I got around to sweep-n up the shop and put-n (most) of everything in its place.
I got around to sweep-n up the shop and put-n (most) of everything in its place.
That is one big shop. Is that dio a WIP or just a place to park your Luftwaffe?[;)]
Now thats what i call a model room,fantastic stuff,love it.[:O][:D]
Raider that has been a (wip) for about 2-3 yrs now. My 5yr old like to use it as his personal air strip.
That’s not a shop Thad! That’s an LHS![(-D]
and YES…it looks like you are building a dio around your area!
Wow O_O
My dream!
Namrednef, you my not look like my wife but if you rolled your eyes and said " do ya really need another kit" you have her down pat.
SORRY SIR BUT YOU ARE IN VIOLATION! All that empty pegboard is a violation of Man Law #214-09 subsection 45. Pegboard must be filled with tools or other important articles relating to items outlined in Man Law #099.
I’ll only warn you this time as long as you promise to fill that space up with tools and stuff.
Failure to do so will invite those of the feminie gender to fill the space with pink and lavender girl stuff. ACT NOW BEFORE YOUR MAN SPACE BECOMES SHE SPACE!
Seriously Thad, that shop is CAVERNOUS! How many times have you gotten lost in it?
It really does look more like a hobby store than an individual work space[:P]
I love my bench, but what I woulldn’t do for all that space.
Frank, when I glued my barefoot to the floor with CA I called 911 and I think they are still looking for me. Thats why I cleaned it up.
Frank, when I glued my barefoot to the floor with CA I called 911 and I think they are still looking for me. Thats why I cleaned it up.
[(-D] How did that happen? Must have been painful ripping it off though. [:O] Ouch.
See pegboard full…good man…fill pegboard full…keep man space safe from becoming girl space.
This is my old shop at my previous house.
Man Law #500.225 keep workshop big…have plenty of room for cot, TV and refrigerator full of snacks and beer in case woman martial law invoked in house.[swg]
Drool, slobber, drool. Listen to Hawkeye. I used to have a space like yours.[BH][sigh][BH] Now reduced to the “small” spare bedroom.
Hmmm…put superglue on your foot, eh? I hope this doesn’t mean you tried to use bunion cream to fill any sinkholes! [(-D]
Gerald, Jim that will never happen I work in the the model industry and I use that space for work. I’m useing the wall space for all my builds.I just have not got-n around to hang more shelves. I have file cabnets and box’s to store all the clutter.
Frank I was trying a new technique with CA and my foot got in the way. By the way I see you eyeballing some of my kits, dont even think about it.
Thad - Gerald is right - you are in violation of so many man-laws!
That plus “A clean shop is the sure sign of a sick mind!” Next thing we know you’ll start building armor or something [(-D]
[:O] Don’t encourage him! [swg]
Drew There are a few ground targets laying around somewhere, I even thought about bring home that retooled Hawk Zepplein(sp?) home from work yesterday.
Quit snooping around the warehouse you! [}:)] That can only cause trouble [(-D]