Huey Weathering Question

Hey all,

First of all, I’m back! I’ve been away for like a year so that stinks. Anyway, I am scrambling to get a 48th scale Huey done for a fourth of July Special build on my channel, but I’ve been having a bit of trouble with the weathering. I’ve been able to find plenty of pictures of chipping, and I have a ton of my own photographs of weathered rotors from other military birds, but I am having the hardest time finding any information about exhaust staining. Where it is, how much it built up, etc. She’s supposed to be a fairly heavily weathered Marine bird from somtime in 1969-71.



The exhaust staining tend to be along the top of the tail boom and underside of the main rotor on a Huey. At least on the single engine types.

Look at this site for some good photos

Yep, it’s the single.

Incredible site! Lots of good reference in there. Biggest thing I learned? My OD is WAY too dark. I never realized how light they faded too.

I think that the Marines used Field Green on their Hueys and not Olive Drab. All their other Helos, CH-34, CH-46, CH-53 were in that color.


Someone should tell Hobbyboss before they print a painting guide.

Never fully trust the paint guides… research first…

FS 34097 is the color for Marine Helicopters from the late 1950’s until the mid 1980’s. Several companies make it. Model Master used to, but discontinued the color.