A group build I would love to see somthing along the lines of the Battle Of Midway, as a naval historian in my view this was the turning point in WWII Naval Air June 4th - 7th was the point when air warfare was defiened. I would like to see both IJN and USA represented. So I’m asking how does one start a group build?
Basically you post a topic stating you would like to start a group build (like you kind of already did haha) then state the scope of it, what type of kits are allowable (is it scale specific, only aircraft, or all vehicles and figures from the period modeled, stuff like that) Once you see you have 5 or more people (not an arbitrary number) you go to building! We just got through a Battle of Midway GB late in the summer, I started that one as it is a big piece of history for me too. I think if you started one in a few months it would allow enough time for some of us die hard Pacific Theater Aircraft freaks to finish up some of the other GB’s we’re in… if you want to lead the one this year be my guest!
I for one would be in, if it started say on the first day of the attack, June 4… or any day thereabouts or after (I’m up to my eyeballs in GB’s right now). I’m not sure what I would be building, I do have a few SBD’s in the closet, but a torpedo carrying B-26 might be fun to attempt as well! Let us know! Just make a new post titled “Battle of Midway GB” when you are ready, and maybe with a start and end date in the title… actually we never “officially” ended the one last year so you could just do a continuation! [;)]
oh yeah make sure you start the thread far enough in advance so some of us can get in there and start chatting about it and maybe get some people thinking about joining!!
Scott that only things I would add to what Tom said are:
Allow a reasonable time for the build usually six months. This gives even glacial pace builders like me a chance to finish.
State whether you allow builds form other GB’s that may be running. Some guys allow this some don’t.
Is this an OOB build or can people go nuts with AM stuff.
Have a look at the way some of the current GB’s on this forum are framed for some hints.
Given that I was one of few not to finish the last Midway build, if you make the start date a few months away I might be able to join and finally finish my Wildcat.
Darren - don’t feel bad about not finishing… I’m the one who STARTED that GB and never finished… After the first paint mishap, my second kit never really ‘grew wings’ so to speak… [;)]
-=edit=- Scott … in particular look at some of the group builds run by the “usual subjects” … The Battle of Germany Group build, Aussie/Anzac GB, Battle of the Atlantic GB etc… they have a very typical format to them and seem to draw lots of participants to them…
In fact, if you want to start advertising now, you can just go back to the first post you made and edit it and change the title to “Battle of Midway GB” and it’s officially started!
I second Jay’s first comment. I have an Airfix (I know sucker for punishment) Devastator 1/72 with the WE pe set very tempting indeed. I’d probably do George Gay’s aircraft is I can find dual 30 cals for the aft mount. [#ditto] on the start date.