How to simulate duct tape

I’m trying to build a canvas top Hummer in 1/35 scale. I have seen very few canvas doors that haven’t been torn and in need some sort of repair. We usually repaired our hummers with duct tape. I would like some ideas on how to simulate this? I was thinking that I could use thin bear metal foil strips, rub them on some fabric to get the texture. Then glue that to the Hummer door. What are your thoughts?

I don’t think that you would be able to actually see the fabric texture in the tape in 1/35 scale tape. It is pretty smooth afterall. Just paint it.

Just a thought try using the foil from a pack of cigarettes.

Paint some decal film the same shade of silver as the duct tape and apply like a decal.

painting some tamiya tape flat steel might also do it, although it might look out of scale, thickness wise. Probuilders idea sounds good

id use blue masking tape and paint it gunmetal. also u can go to an art store and check out the kind of textured papers they have

I’ve seen masking tape and type writer paper used on 1/48 & 1/32 scale aircraft for seatbelts. This might work for scale effect used in 1/35, painted the right color ?

Here’s a thought, Tamiya masking tape.

We fix choppers with duct tape too.

“Hundred mile an hour tape” comes in two different colors in the army. commonly it is green, but I am starting to see a lot of desert tan now. I would paint decal film and use that. Those funny looking numbers in colored blocks that are on some Tamiya kits that have an uneven green border, that is supposed to be duct tape holding the placard to the side of the vehicle. Tamiya’s Bradley, M2 is one such kit that comes to mind. They look pretty good to me, I would try it out.