hobby craft 1/32 mig-51 bis

First of, is this a good kit? the box art shows it in a natural metal finish, and it will be my first time doin it. will it be hard

I have the 1/32 Mig-17F, and it doesn’t look to be a bad kit, as I haven’t really started on it yet. The detail around the cockpit is a little lacking, but the engine isn’t too bad. Should look really nice next to the 1/32 Phantom. As for the metal finish, use a black primer or undercoat, then Al-Clad chrome. Should turn out fine.

Good luck!


or metal foil

thanks… is there a resin interior or engine avalible?


I happened to find a few kits available, but none for the hc kit. These may work:

Black Box cockpit 32008
Cutting Edge cockpit 32048
Eduard exterior 32050
Parts Accys 32004

Found them at www.greratmodels.com
