Here are some work-in-progress photos of my current sailing ship project, the Airfix 1/180 (actually closer to 1/170) HMS Victory. (The Heller 1/100 kit is not only out of my budget but I also don’t really have the display space for a model of this size!)
As anyone who’s built this kit will know, all of the gun ports on the 3rd and 4th gun decks, and most of them on the 2nd deck are represented simply by blank squares with cannon muzzles glued into their centre. Though this saves Airfix moulding dozens more gun carriages and barrels (and kit builders from having to clean up, drill out and assemble them all) this arrangement looks rather crude and unconvincing in a model of this size.
I decided to model the ship with the lower gun deck closed (simply to reduce the number of ports to drill out and guns to scratchbuild!) and the other 3 decks opened up. Ports were opened by drilling holes at their corners (a Dremel is VERY handy when drilling this number of holes) then cutting between the holes with a sharp knife, finally cleaning up the port with a square file.
A simplified gun-deck “ledge” (rather like that in the Revell Constitution) was added using corrugated styrene, and painted using the same techniques as the upper decks. I added a full deck in the amidships area where the skylights + ladders from the upper deck are. It’s not really visible without using a torch, but at least I know it’s there!
The cannons were more of a problem - I didn’t really want to scratchbuilt 40-odd guns, or cast them from the existing kit parts, so settled on a compromise. I glued the cannon muzzles from the kit onto lengths of styrene rod of the same diameter. Originally I tried scratchbuilding simple carriages but found they weren’t really visible when the hull halves were assembled, and they made inserting the guns much harder; hence I just painted the barrels and glued them in place.
I also drilled out the transom windows and the skylights (where necessary; many of them were already moulded open), along with the barrels of the upper deck guns.
Upper gun deck.
Basic hull assembly with top deck in place. The area around the binnacle and helm was fully painted + weathered before the poop deck was glued in place.
View into the lower gun deck.
Two views of the hull with more fittings added + painting started.
I’d be interested to hear (from anyone who’s built it in the past) how this kit compares to the Revell one (which, AFAIK, is about 1/200, despite the “1/146” label). Apart from the aforementioned gun ports issue, The Airfix kit appears to be quite detailed and accurate (though the smaller parts require a lot of careful cleanup) and is still a large, impressive model. It seems to me to be the best option if you want to build the Victory but don’t have the cash and/or space for the Heller kit.