Hi from Perth, Western Australia

Hi all.
I’m just getting back into modelling after about 20 years. I’d previously created a few purple Mustangs and maybe the odd sci-fi themed creation in my early teens.
As a complete novice this forum is fantastic. A lot has obviously changed since the early 80’s.
I plan on building 48th scale aircraft and have just purchased a Tamiya Beaufighter for my first project. Hope that one isn’t too difficult?

Other interests are the World in Flames board game (anyone in Perth that would like to play just let me know!!!), Cricket (please God, let there be some Englishmen on this forum :wink: . . . .) and AFL footy (Go Dockers!).


Hi PB,

nice of you to join in. That Tamiya kit looks gorgeous, and I’m sure it will be a very fine project for you. Keep in touch and try to show us your progress. Any doubts, just ask, 'cause there’s lots of great people out here ready to help you.

By the way. I would have thought that for good cricket, you’d have needed people from the former Empire rather than from good ole England… Hahaha!

Welcome aboard PorcelainBus. If Tamiya bulds their aircraft like they do their armour, you’ll have a sweet kit on your hands. Cricket, AFL footy … please… I’m from hockey country.

Welcome Porcelainbus…
I believe any aircraft kit from Tamiya would be a good one to build. Hopefully there will be other members on here that share your extracurricular activities…GO DUCKS!
Regards, Dan

Hi porcelainbus,

I am English, but live in the USA, I grew up in the days of Ian Botham if you remember him. My mother was raised in Townsville, one plave I am going to visit one od these days.
I have a Grandfather and a whole lot of family living there.

Enjoy your modeling, I think you will find alot has changed over the years.

Hi ya PB …

Welcome to the FSM community modeling forum(s). Oh, and welcome back to a great hobby. I am glad you stopped by and joined up … you will find that we are a very friendly and diverse group of modeling nuts from all over the world. Have fun!

Hi Mr PB
I’m living in Perth as well and I wish to see you some day if it’s possible. I’m a new modeller and I’m Thai. I’m in Perth for studying and modelling as a hobby. I’d like to know where do you normorlly buy models :)… Now I’m looking for a good air compressor but I don’t really know where to buy them in Perth. Can you please tell me where to buy it.
Thanks a lot and take care mate !!! and go go go Fremantle Docker

Hello PorcelainBus, Welcome to the forum(s).
Unfortunately(?) the only thing we have in common appears to modelling as I know nothing of World in Flames, Cricket, 0r the AFL.
Go Packers!

Howdy Mate,
Welcome to the forum and good luck with your model. Congratulations on taking the cup home again, you guys deserved it. At least we have the Wanderers, greatest pitch around. See you next time around ( when we have recuperated ).

Good luck, happy modeling

P.S Theyr’e bringing back the Springbok as emblem so be careful!

Hey, PB
Not too many on the forum would understand the Porcelain Bus reference - I hope you don’t drive it too often!! LOL
Welcome to the forum, and choosing the Tamiya Beaufighter for your first return won’t be a drama - any Tamiya kit will go together well. You have to be pretty ham fisted to get it wrong. Post some piccies when it’s done.
Cheers, mate

awwwwww yeah!! g’day from PERTH in the mother country m8.[scotland] I must be the only scotsman that follows the cricket, [from an english point of view ] but the upshot of that is i dont get too dissapointed when they get cuffed…anyway welcome back to the modelling fold m8 i only recently got back into the hobby myself.and i’m trying my first aircraft kit since childhood [my heart hasn’t hammered like this since i lost my cherry] i opened the box this morning …and i’m still looking at the kit parts.with a slack jawed expression,i certainly dont remember all that detail on the kits or yore,good luck with the beau…hope to chat with you l8r…REGARDS M8…

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Lee - I’m getting a little too old to ride the Bus . . . it takes a lot longer to recover these days [;)]

Tappie - the rugby world cup isn’t far off - you guys might show us a thing or two. PS. The WACA is much prettier than Wanderers [:D]

Deakon - i have now purchased a Hs129 and a Spitfire as well!! I can see that i might end up with a cupboard full soon. I can relate to how things have changed - whatever happened to the raised panel lines

PH - I’m hoping the name is just your bad English [:D]
There’s a great hobby store in Mt Lawley that has everything you could want http://www.stanbridges.com.au

Leitch - i remember “beefy” only too well . . . he destroyed many an Aussie test line up with both bat and ball - the greatest allrounder i’ve ever seen.

DJ - i was hoping there were Englishmen on the list so i could razz them about Cricket, Tennis, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Swimming . . . . just about everything actually [:)]

I must say i feel somewhat intimidated after seeing all the fantastic models from everyone here at FSM. This a fantastic forum that’s already been a huge help (even though i’m still at the “gazing” stage of my rekindled modelling.

Cheers all

Okay, my curiousity got the best of me – what’s the Porcelain Bus reference? I have an idea, but it’s probably not exactly what I’m thinking of. [:I]

Free me from my ignorance. [;)]


At the end of a long, hard night of drinking fine Aussie ale one may have a need to get up close and personal with a certain piece of ceramic in “the smallest room of the house”. The journey might be short and sweet, or perhaps extend over a considerable period. One may keep getting off at the wrong “stop” and have to keep returning for further trips throughout the wee small hours . . . especially if you’ve consumed beer from the Eastern States . . . .


PB - Welcome - LOVE your ID. Goodness knows how often I’ve driven that same vehicle – like you, in my younger days… If you have the means, I’m sure we’d all love to see your models when completed. Good luck in all your modelling endeavours.

Ahh…I kinda figured that’s what it was.

Back when I was in the Army (in my younger days [;)]) it was sometimes referred to as the “Porcelain goddess”. After a long night of drinking someone would be found wrapped around her feet. [:D]

Not that I ever did… [;)]

Hi PB and welcome. Good luck with the kits. Been aboard the porcelain bus a few times myself, getting off at the wrong stop a few times too. Cleaning carpets with a hangover is no joke. it causes technicolor yawns all over the place!!! oh and i cant stand cricket, to me it is just a good cure for insomnia. hahaha …Gregers

Hi PB,

Welcome back to the hobby and this forum. I am returning to it myself after about a 15 yr hiatus. Good luck on your Beaufighter. Like everyone has said, you can’t go wrong with a Tamiya product. [:D]

Sorry, being from the States I know little to nothing about Cricket. I’m a baseball man myself. As far as World in Flames goes, can’t say I’ve played it, yet. I’m a hardcore ASL player. I also love grand strategy games, like Advanced Third Reich.

GMT games is putting a new game out soon. It’s called A World At War. It’s the ultimate in grand strategy games. Go check it out at: aworldatwar.com if your interested.

Let us know how the Beaufighter comes out.



Welcome. As a young paratrooper, I had a few memorable nights (they TOLD me they were memorable, but I forgo!!!) where I wound up worshipping the porcelain god a time or two. Welcome to the forums. Looking forward to your posts. Good luck with the Beaufighter. Hope to see the finished product on the site someday.- Ed