Just got back from my favorite hobby shop with another "jewel’ for the reference library. Schiffer has put out a 150 page soft cover on the HH-52.
Loads of color and detail with interior photos and schematics. Lots of crew stories and history. USCG fans should love it. Great coverage of a sparsely
documented R/W aircraft. The publication date is 2003, so it should be readily available. I paid $35(US) for my copy.
Now all we need are some kits. Anybody know of any? I’m waiting for 1/72, myself.
He he. . .
I have in my hot hands (okay on the shelf, not actually in my hands), A 1/48 scale HH52A “Vietnam gunship” model by the Ringo Toy company. It is a really bad kit circa 1960’s “Auroura style.” With the place where the decals go already engraved in the kit, and the decals are for a Sikorsky demo helo to boot. . .
HOWEVER, The basic shape is there and with some heavy sanding the raised detal will be erased and I shall have a model of the HH52A, perhaps the 1405, the aircraft I was qualified in so many years ago.
I too have the book you mention and the thanks page is a walk down memory lane as I know most of the people.
BTW, I know of only one person who called it the SEAGUARD, usuall we just referred to it by the numbers.
Bringing back an old post. Anyone know of one of these HH-52 kits around. I grew up on Kodiak Island in the 70’s and 80’s and would love to build one of theses and an HH-3. 1/144 would be awesome but I know I’m pushing my luck.
Ahhh yes…The mighty H-3 Pelican. Only God has saved more lives…You may be able to find the air force H-3 jolly green kit. The conversion shouldn’t be difficult. You’d probably need to just sand off the fuel probe and reshape the nose. Also, I read in a past forum, about conversions and decals for the mighty MH-60J. Don’t forget, the coast guard is now flying the MH-60T. Anyone who has questions or requests pictures get back to me.
MH-60J/T Flight Mech sends…