Want to build a " version" of Greg Boyingtons’ Black Sheep F4U. I had the pleasure of meeting him several(alot of) years ago when I was a fueler at a local air show…(no he was not flying…just signing his book). I have always liked the Corsair and know there are many model reps. of this type. In 1/32 scale what’s avail…and also any aftermrkt. details? Thank You for your response, If given.This place is the best resource for info… I’ve allready found that out in earilier Posts. (got spanked). Keep ‘Em Turnin’ & Burnin’ Boys.
Your best bet may be the Trumpeter kit with aftermarket decals. The Hobbycraft kits I have made a point of avoiding. Every kit I have had from them has been way below the quality of other manufacturers. Trumpeter is more expensive but worth it. There is a Revell kit in 1/32 but it is old and not up to today’s standards. A lot of surgery is required to make an accurate F4U-1D out of that one. Years ago it did come with Pappy’s markings. Unknown if it still does. All of this is IMHO.
Hobby Craft just “reboxed” the Trumpeter 1/32 kits and offers them. I have the F4U-1D and 1/24 P-51D in the Hobby Craft box and its definitely the same kits. Now the 1/48 stuff is a different matter.
Clear Left!
What he said, same kit different box, got one myself, just t-day as a matter of fact, nice looking kit.
Trumpeter’s F4U-1 is defently the best starting point. It’s cockpit is NOT very accurate but there are good aftermarket cockpits available while the Verlinden set is for the Revell it can be modified to fit the the Trumpeter kit and I feel is the best. Hence the term “modeling”. Remember “Pappy” normaly did NOT fly No. 86 but like to fly the oldest plane on the flight line. The Kill flags on the plane were added for a photo only and were removed after, he thought they would scare off prospective kills.
hey man,
this is just out of curiosity, no intent of discouraging you. anyways, i once thought of building the famous plane once until i found some info on the net. it seems that pappy nor all of the black sheep squadron members had their own assigned plane for each pilot at that time. they like fly whatever plane is ready or for that matter, whatever the ground crews could scrounge up. i also read that there is that debate regarding the name on pappy’s plane(lulubelle or lucybelle) they say that at the time, the kill markings and the name were only part of a photo ops wherein they just placed all the markings on for that moment. they even had the kill markings backwards. i had the chance also to see the original pic of that photo op where another guy was blocking the name written, hence the debate whether it was lulubelle or lucybelle still lingered on. it was said that he was involved with a girl named lucy that time and they parted in not so good terms because the girl eventually took money from him. thus when asked years later, he gave lulubelle instead. anyway, if you have other more sources that could say otherwise, bottomline is, its still a great plane to build!!![:D]
Sidewinder, I think your spot on with that, I have also heard the same. I have a photo of questionable detail regarding kill markings that seem to show some early photoshop trickery. IE. german crosses on a P-40? Thanks for your input… I also know that by second hand talk( my old man) that flying a MC nurse on your lap for a sunset flight was a great way to recieve some R&R.