Help Needed (Ta-154)

Hi all. I just got a pro-modeler T-154 Moskito nightfighter, but the decals are missing. Can anyone point me in the right direction for obtainign an AM decal sheet? I’ve looked everywhere, but can’t seem to find one. Failing that, would anyone be willing to send me a few spare decals? -Thanks for any help.

I have that kit also. There really are no decals in there to speak of. The decal sheet consists of the wing crosses, swastica, and a few stencils. Not much at all. there are no unit or sqn markings on them. You could easily make them from spares you may have. If you havve no spares, look for them at contests and swap meets. You might even pick up a second kit for cheap just for the decals.

Revell Germany do a 1/48th scale TA 154. You could always drop them a line to the effect that you have the Revell kit & the sheet is missing [;)]

Being a German issue kit, the sheet won’t come with any swastika’s though unfortunately.

Dragon is currently releasing that kit. They did some retooling, but from what I’ve heard, it’s the same kit. You could try getting Dragon’s decal sheet. Since Dragon just released it with some fanfare, there may be some aftermarket decals for it soon.


Thanks you for your generous offer David!! I have sent an email to you.

Hey Tanky,

If for some reason or other you can not get replacement decals, ever thought of doing a “what if” build??

Flaps up, Mike

hmmmm… in 1946, the war goes badly for the USSR due to Germany’s radical new designs. The Germans have surrounded and annihilated the 101st airborne at bastogne, captured Antwerp and smashed the allies back into France. In depseration, the VVS begins to use captured Moskito night fighters as their own factories and production lines are smahed by the new Nazi super bombers… It could work. [;)][:)]

Go for it… It sounds like you have a great story line my friend…
Flaps up, Mike

I’ve got a new (untouched) decal sheet from a (Hasegawa?) 1/48 Bf-109 from somewhere - unit markings and all for 2 or 3 a/c - maybe you could use some of the bits and pieces on your Moskito - I don’t think I’ll ever use them.
Email me with your P.O. box and I’ll post them to you.

Heck, I think I have a few spare markings laying around too. Some form a 190 and some from a 109. Is your plane 1/48? If so and you want them send me an addy and I’ll fire what I have off to you.

hkshooter, thanks for the offer, but I think I’m set now. [:)]

Mate -
The decals were posted today.

Thanks a whole bunch Lee!!!