I just bought a Tamiya 8ton Semi Track Sd.Kfz7 on ebay, and the only instructions it has is in Japanese. Since I can’t read Japanese, I was wondering if anybody knows where I might be able to find some instructions online.
Any help would be great.
I just bought a Tamiya 8ton Semi Track Sd.Kfz7 on ebay, and the only instructions it has is in Japanese. Since I can’t read Japanese, I was wondering if anybody knows where I might be able to find some instructions online.
Any help would be great.
Whaz up adws,
1. Maybe someone here in the forum could make ya a copy or
2. You could maybe try and write to Tamiya itself. Explain to them that you received it as a birthday gift(dont tell them where you actually got it OK. They would not probably help ya out then[:(]) and that it did not come w/ any instructions.
Hopefully this helps ya out a bit. Good luck my friend
Flaps up,Mike
I’ve got a copy … if you give me an e-mail addy I’ll scan them and them them to you.
Hi ya adws …
I sure hope someone [8)] here on the good ol’ FSM Community Modeling Forum(s) will come thru and help out a fellow modeler and fellow forum member with a copy of those instructions you need. [;)]
How about it guys and gals … ???
If, no one has a set they can copy … I agree with Butz … perhaps you could write or email Tamiya America in CA and plead your case. [:I]
A short story along those same lines … if you have the time …
About 15 years ago, I purchased one of Tamiya’s 1/32 scale F-14 Tomcat kits from that big mailorder outfit in TX … at $34.95 the kit was a real bargin … I soon learned why … no english instructions included … only japanese instructions … [xx(]
I couldn’t (still can’t) read japanese. It seems that at that time MRC from NJ was importing all of the Tamiya kits, (Tamiya America was just a fond dream in Mr. Tamiya’s sleep). [|)]
I phoned the big mailorder outfit in TX and asked if any english instruction books were available … nope … [V] they confirmed that these kits were a special order deal direct from Japan … hence no english instructions were included. They suggested that I try to purchase a set direct from MRC.
So, I wrote to MRC and explained what had happened and asked if I could purchase a set of english instructions. In a few days I received a complete set of english instructions in the mail … no charge! [:D]
I quickly wrote MRC back and thanked them … [8D]
What a first class outfit MRC turned out to be!
I hope if you have to write or email Tamiya America you have as good a luck as I had. [;)]
Hey adws …
Yes sir, a fellow modeler/forum member (I am proud to say my friend, Robert) has come thru to save the day …
If anyone else is ever in this same boat … missing Tamiya instructions … I found the following elsewhere in this great big forum … check it out:
Hope this helps someone on down the line …!!! [^]
I am not sure if anyone else had to do this.
When I wrote to Tamiya about some missing parts on a Mustang, they wrote back and said that it was now mandatory to send a reciept along w/ the part numbers.
I take it that they want to verify that you actually bought it yourself(hobby shop) or somin like that.
Has anyone ever experienced this before?? Or is it different when you call the 800#
Flaps up,Mike
Well the thing about calling them is that I don’t know if Tamiya would have them. I think they don’t make it any more. I can’t find it anywhere on their website. But Shermanfreak said he had a copy and would scan it and email me a copy of it, so that doesn’t work out then I will try giving them a call and see what they tell me.
Thank you everybody for ya’lls help
Richard … send me your e-mail address again if you would. That Trojan horse got it. Everything is scanned and ready to go.
Ok Shermanfreak I just emailed you with my address. Let me know if you get it.
Thanks again
I just called Tamiya and I told them that I bought it a very long time ago, and I must have misplaced the instructions. I asked the guy on the phone want I could do about getting a set of english instruction, and he told me that they had a copy of them, and he would copy it for me and mail it to me free!!!. Isn’t that great
Go Tamiya
Didn’t you recieve the scans I sent ?
no shermanfreak I never did get those scans.
Son of a gun … somebody did … I’ll try sending them again right away. Please confirm by e-mail if you have or haven’t recieved them.
I still haven’t gotten them. Wow this is very weird. Just to make sure my addy is james_fullingim@link.freedom.com
That’s where I’ve been sending them James … and they are not bouncing back to me so somebody is reading those instructions (let’s hope they have the kit). Contact me by e-mail or MSN Messenger and we’ll get those instructions in your hands some way.
Well I’m sure they don’t have the kit…LoL. Since this is my work email, and I’m sure I’m the only one at work that is into modeling…LoL. Oh well don’t worry about it. I called Tamiya and they are sending me a copy of them anyways. Thank you for trying anyways sherman freak. I just had that you spent all that time scanning and I can’t get it. I find it very strang that I’m not getting your email… Oh well thank you anyways
The only thing that I can think of that is stopping this is the possibility that your filters may be set really high and it’s treating me like spam (sniff…sniff). I tried my best James … sorry.
Hey that is ok. Thank you for trying anyways. I still think it is very very weird. See I should have no filters because I’m a Graphic Artist at a newspaper and I receive ads in emails all day long. That’s part of my job. So I should be able to receive email from anybody at anytime. I will have to have a talk with my admin.
So don’t feel bad about not being able to send it to me. I’m not even ready to start building the model yet. I’m waiting for a Eduard Tool Box to come in.
But hey thanx anyways