Hello from Canada!

Hello, I’ve been poking my head around here for a few weeks now, and thought it might be time to introduce myself. Even though my moniker states “private thud”, thats all it is, a moniker, no military service in my background. It’s just a name I picked up playing on-line video games.[:o)]
I built my first model when i was about 10 (25 years ago) and built mostly cars.
As I entered High school, I kind of gave up on the hobby, but more recently have been eyeing getting back into it. I have started building aircraft models (mostly 1/72 scale). Boy, I have a LONG way to go before I can even come close to what is done by the folks around here. I do have another problem to overcome first though. My wife has severe asthma attacks whenever i paint in the house, and I don’t have a garage. I’m looking into building some sort of spray booth, and switching to acrylic paints, but I have no experiance with either.
Well, thanks for letting me rant! See you elsewhere on the forums!

[#welcome] always nice to see more Canucks!! [:D]

Hiya! Welcome aboard!

Welcome to the forums private thud, glad to have you with us.

Hello Private Thud, Welcome to the forum.

[#welcome] to the FSM forum. Always good to have another canuck.
Sorry to hear about the wifey problems. Switch to acrylics to start, and find a room in the house that your wife won’t be around, then close the door, seal off the vents/door cracks, and open the window wide. I had a similar situation myself, and with this cold weather, it doesn’t leave much alternative.

Welcome to FSM!



Welcome to the FSM Forums [#welcome]. Glad you’re here.

Regards, Rick

[#welcome]to the forums.

welcome!!! Enjoy yourself!

Welcome to the forum fellow countryman…

Thank You All!, Oh, btw I really enjoy the forums. Its nice to know that there is a wealth of iformation at my fingertips! Keep up the good work. I hope as I get better, that I might be able to contribute more. :slight_smile:

[#welcome]To the FSM forums, enjoy your time with us