Helicopter crew/pilots 1/35th scale?

just got done looking for 1/35 helicopter pilots/crew figures. Does anyone know of a specific company that makes such a kit? I went to a few various online shops but not knowing the manufacturer, its like looking for a needle in a haystack.

DML has Vietnam era crew:

Nemrod has modern UH-60 crew and a couple of guys that look like a crew chief and a AF PJ:

CMK has a set of three crewmen and a few GIBs (Guys in Back) designed for UH-60s, but pilots and crew chief have Vietnam era “Chicken Plate” armored vests, I have seen them advertised as UH-1 crew as well. Soldiers look from about ODS era (late '80s to early '90s):

Same CMK set as Vietnam era UH-1D/H crew.


Verlinden made/makes a standing US Cobra pilot as well, no photo. Pretty good figure w/ flight suit and survival vest carrying helmet bag.

Dynasty has a set of 2 resin figures called UH-60 Helicopter Crew: 1 helmeted male w/ M16 carbine; 1 female wearing cavalry hat, no pic, but I have seen it, kinda hokey, female is in image of Barbie, she doesn’t look too realistic.

Also, some kits come with good crews. In Academy/MRC UH-1B/C kits, you get a 4-man crew from Vietnam era. Academy/MRC OH-58D kits come with a pretty good modern 2-man crew. Academy MRC Bell-47 comes with good Korean war era pilot as well. (Notice the Academy/MRC trend? Hmm?)

That about covers it. Not much out there, definitely an area that needs more attention.

Thank you so much for your time. I have seen a few of these but not nearly the amount you have pointed out. Do you have a inside track or something! Well… i guess I could ask if you have seen any figures that resemble a soldier waving in a helicopter on a LZ? You know… standing with his arms up? If not i understand you have done more than enough! Once again… so many thanks.

No, no inside track. I just build a lot of Helos and am always on the lookout for crew figs. Sorry, I haven’t seen a figure of a guy waving in a helo, it shouldn’t be too hard to convert an infantryman or other figure into the pose you want though.

I personally found the Dragon kit to be very nicely done. I am using them as replacements on a UH-1 D Gunship. It actually is a Panda kit but released by another company. The kit figures, as so often, are horrible.

Interesting… after looking closer at the Nemrod figures, I’m wondering a few things.

  1. Why don’t they have HGU-56 helmets on?
  2. Why do the 2 seated figures not have AIRSAVE armor/survival vests on?
  3. Why is the PJ the only one with a sidearm?

Of course, these are the best 1/35th modern crew out there, so I can’t complain too much. Just a bit annoying. Does anyone do replacement heads with the correct helmets? I suppose I could figure out how to build a suitable vest for them…