Heavy duty Lazy Susan

I’ve used a small rotating table for figure painting for quite a while now, and last year, decided to purchase a rotating modeling table. The only problem was, it was made from styrene, and couldn’t be cut on, and spun much too easily. So, I purchased a heavy duty rotating base from the local hardware store (the kind used for corner rotating cabinets), and placed a heavy 12"x12" piece of granite on top of it…viola! A table that turns with some effort, and you can cut on it too…all for 14 bucks and change.

Wow, a stone top is really heavy duty.

I have a similar turntable made out of MDF board with holes drilled in the top for dowels that support the model.

It’s a great, and fairly cheap, idea. Just don’t take yours for granite! [:)]

That’s a very clever rig. Thanks for the tip.

Regards, Rick

That is a great idea. However, if you do much cutting against a granite surface you will dull your knife blade very quickly.

Another thing I am going to try using for a spinning base is the underside of an old swivel chair (hey, I’m cheap, I never throw anything useful away). I haven’t made it yet, but the swivel rotates on ball bearings and does have a small resistance to turning. It is slightly canted, which I’m hoping will help me airbrush at all angles.

Too many projects, not enough time…

Jeez. That really is “Heavy Duty”. Don’t drop that bad boy on your foot. [:)]