Havent posted in awhile.Acouple builds.

Hey all.Haven’t posted in awhile but have been around.

Been busy on the bench though and here’s a couple pics.Glad to be typing again!!

I like your work here, great stuff! On ‘Get goin’, this ain’t the teamsters’, what did you use to simulate the muddy ground, looks very good! I’m currently workin’ on a dio’, and need a little advice on the mediums, that can be used! Thanks

Great job! I also what to know how you did the ground on that one, I have a up comming dio that needs that exact type.

[bow] Stug, me not worthy, me not worthy.

Nice work on all of them. By the way, anyway I can repay you back for your m1a1 carbines you sent me many moons ago?

Thanks guys!!!

I was away too long!!

The road is Sculptamold with a heavy dose of PVA.I take sand from outside and sift it several times to get the finest possible.This allows me to have a few different grades of sand.While the groundwork is still pliable I do the ruts and add the coaser sand.Once that sets I add more thinned PVA and add the finer sand .

Once it’s all dry I AB the base color and several washes of ground colors and let it dry.Once it’s all dry I drybrush the highlights.That’s it!!

I appreciate the interest.

Garand,we’re good!!

Incredible work! It is great to see these again.

Always good to see your builds. Some spectacular work. What do you use for your grass?

very nice work stug! glad yo see you kept busy with those builds, great job. just a question: what did you use for the hedge in the firefly piece? it looks pretty convincing.

Welcome back Andy. Some real sweet builds there. What zim did you use for your J.P. Lang? Figures are well done too.

Thanks again guys!!

The grass is a mixture of ground up floral moss and static grass.

The hedge is rubberised hogs hair with foilage added.

The Zim is Apoxie sculpt.

All techniques borrowed from somewheres else but fun none the less!!

they look great andy! I’ve seen these pics around but I’m not sure if I’ve commented on them. Regardless of that, all that I could think to say has been said… good show!

Great work. What kit/kits did you build the firefly from?

“this ain’t the teamsters”-- i love it!-- great work on all of them[:D]—treadwell

Thanks again guys!!!

JFB, the Firefly is a bash of the Italeri M4A1,DML Firefly vc and Tank Workshop Hybrid hull.It was my first real try at Resin and a great learning experience.

The Teamsters build was for… you guessed it, a Teamster buddy of mine.

All in fun, believe me!!! I don’t want to end up like Hoffa!!!