Hasegawa Bf 109K-4 (1/48 scale)


here’s a few pics of the 1/48 scale “Karl” from Hasegawa. Started it about 10 days ago, took a break while at NATS, and finished it up this afternoon. Fairly disappointed with the outcome…decals had lots of silvering (been having bad luck lately with that!), and I lost interest 2/3 way through. Covered up a fair amount of the silvered markings with touch-up paint and heavy pastels ground in.Did’nt even bother with a seat harness…at this point, I just wanted to get it done and move on to some new projects I picked up in Phoenix. Anyways, I’m aware of the flaws inherent to the outcome, so don’t make too much fun of it!

wow that looks incredible. nicely done.


very sweet looking build friend!! i just finished a 109E-4, and have the AM pit on the bench for this one. your looks great!! thanks for the peek. later.

BTW, did that kit have the decals for the Finnish AF? mine does, and i picked it up cause it was marked down for decal recall!! that may be part of your prob. later.

Nice build. The decal silvering isn’t all that evident in the pics. Thanks for sharing.

Regards, Rick

Hi, thanks! No Finnish decals. An interesting point, though…maybe these decals were frmo a bad batch too? Thanks for the comps.


Nice indeed, fine job on a great airplane!

Take care,

Looks sweet friend… good build.

Looks great man! I see no decal problems.

Looks good, hope I can build one that bad soon.[:)] I can hardly get the box opened in 10 days let alone get the kit built, painted, decaled and weathered with a break for nats in between!

Fantastic job, JK! I see no decal problem from this vantage – I can only glimpse a hint of it in the hakenkreuz. In fact, the decals look painted on.

Looks nice from over here in any case!

Looks good from where I’m sitting, you did a good job of covering the silvering, I can’t see any of it.

Looks great! I love the subtle colouring. I’ve just got my first 109, the G-10 from Hasegawa. Don’t think it’ll end up looking that good though!


What silvering?

Exactly - what Dancin’ said.

Nothing to be ashamed about - looks like a good build to me.

Nice job on the Karl!
I love that background and grass. I have yet to display any of my kits on the “grass”. What is the product called and where can I get it?


Hi, Thanks!! The grass is Woodland Scenics model railroad grass, from the Hobby Shop. I sprayed some spraycan adhesive to a peice of 8.5 x 11" paper, then sprinkled a couple of different colors over it. A light coat of adhesive misted over top when I was satisfied, then let it dry overnight. The “forest” is a jpeg I cut and pasted from the internet, and the printed out on some 8.5 x 11" photopaper. Prop it up behind the scene, get in close with the digicam (use your Macro setting) and have fun! Oh, I use two goosenecked desl lamps for the light, do not use your flash…!