has thier ever been a main tank gb

after seeing all these m1 tanks and other tanks lately it got me thinking about a gb for main tanks from every country that has them even from WW1 thru present days. i have never hosted a gb but i would think i woud be fun to see how many countries still use the tank, let me know what yall thank about it.

Yes, there has been and it might be going on now, a Modern AFV GB.

I believe the modern one is done, as I missed the deadline.

However I think he is referring to the idea of a Main Battle Tank, regardless era.

It sounds like a good idea. Even if it has been done before, no reason you can create a new one, with the new year range in the badge itself.

Main Battle Tank is a relatively new term. Before that there were light, medium and heavy tanks (US, USSR & Germany), the British used the terms Cruiser and Infantry tanks. The US decided to go to a standard “main” battle tank with the joint German MBT70 (the Germans didn’t use the term “MBT”) project. I think the Germans called it the Kampfpanzer 70.

The M1 was the first production MBT so the term MBT almost implies modern.

Aditionally, since we are splitting hairs…

It would be a Campaign, not a Group Build. A Group Build is the group all building the same kit or same vehicle. A Campaign is different kits or different types of vehicles from a time period, certain battle or war, a certain country, etc.

The term Group Build is misused on here all the time. Most of the “Gruop Builds” are actually Campaigns, and loose ones at that.