Has anybody ever used EZ Line

I have heard mention of this stuff elsewhere on the net. While doing a little poking around I found this.


My question is does anyone have any experiance with this stuff and does it work as good as advertised?

Never seen that stuff before but it looks thick in the photo they used. Maybe OK for a larger scale though.

Yep, used the stuff, and it works really well.

I use it for 1/48 antenna wire on Bf 109’s and the like, really makes life alot easier.

I’ve also used it on a couple of helos to simulate control cables.

The joy of it is you can tie both ends of the kit, then stretch it to fit. Holds well with CA glue, and holds acrylic paint after its been placed in position.

Don’t try and paint it when it’s slack, cause the paint falls of when you stretch it.

Several years ago, Model Railroader mag ran a review on that or a very similiar product. Only that product came in about 4 different sizes (one of which looked very good as telegraph wire on an HO (1/87th) model railroad), and at least three colors -brown, black and silver. The caveat here is that it was a while back and my memory may not be that exact.

Hello warlock0322,

I use EZ-line to do rigging and antennas on 1/72 AC. I use both the .003 and .006 Charcoal coloered line. In fact I just bought me a roll of each which will last forever. The line attaches easily with CA and you only need a little piece since it stretches.

Please look at the following group build and look on page 11 for the finished Curtiss SOC3 Seagull, which I won a gold medal with at the last competition I entered it into. [:D]


