what is the length and width of the body of a 1/48 scale h-34 Chocktow?
I bought a kit but dont want to unseal it if the body is too small and unimpressive. I’d rather poke around for a 1/32 or a more dramatic 1/48 choppa.
what is the length and width of the body of a 1/48 scale h-34 Chocktow?
I bought a kit but dont want to unseal it if the body is too small and unimpressive. I’d rather poke around for a 1/32 or a more dramatic 1/48 choppa.
A tough one, but…
The rotor diameter is 14 inches.
The length from the nose of the fuselage to the rear tip of the fin, or the rear of the diameter of the tail rotor; is 14 1/8" sort of.
Which kit did you buy?
1/32 well good luck.
MRC Rescue chopper. It’s almost big enough but the reviews are very encouraging so I might hang onto it. I’d end up folding the whole thing together.