guns a gogo

[:D] hi guys,can someone tell me who makes the kit of this helo in 1;72?any help will be great. thanks[:D]

Here you go…

Italeri also plans a 1/48 ACH-47 release this summer! :wink:

Take care,



…You can wait a little while for some aftermarket stuff for the big 1/35 scale CH47-A that is a cureent kit from Trumpeter models!

Its a sweet ride!

Your reading my mind. I am crossing my fingers for some resin stub wings.

…how hard would these be to scratch up?..anybody have plans/drawings?

[:D] thanks guys,i picked up a ch-47[hc-1] the other day,its a old kit from Italeri.only cost me $10.00,it looks to a good kit,but i thought it was the gun ship,i have the 1;35 hook on order andi will odre the 1;72 gun ship,i want to see how good the 1;48 hook is before i think about getting that one too.have any of you built this kit?is it any good.thanks for your help.have a great day.[:D]

Hi Tread!

I’m sure that someone here will post some pics or scan some images for you but you really need to get these two books for great info, pics and drawings!

  1. The Squadron # 91 CH-47 Chinook in action …it has some pics and drawings of the Guns a Go Go birds.

  2. the Aerofax Minigraph # 27 Boeing Helicopters CH-47 Chinook by David Anderton and Jay Miller…This is probably the BEST Chinook book out there, it is out of print but they show up on ebay often and you might find one in used book stores…most major cities have military or aviation book shops as well.

If I had a scanner I would scan the drawings of the wing assy for you…scratch building thosr should not be that difficult…but to do a proper CH-47 A set up as a GO GO…one would need to build the nose thumper, interior detail, ammo cans, feed system for the nose thumper, ramp and window guns.


Hi Tread,

Maybe this will give you an idea on a starting point…

Here is an illustration of how I built the Weapons Pylons, which was basically a plastic skeleton, wrapped with thin sheet styrene. The Spar was flush on the outboard side, but extended about 3/16" out of the inboard side, and slid into a rectangular cut-out I had made in the pod. Also the skin on the inboard side must be cut so that the wing will fit against the pod correctly. Although it’s built with thin sheet styrene, the wing is inherently strong and makes a stable platform to work up the Weapons installation.

Take care,


Hey thanks for the pics. I think I have everything i need to attempt the 1/35 ACH-47. All I have to do is finish my paint booth!

Hi pharoah,

[tup]Alright, going to see one start coming together soon then… (come on paintbooth!) [;)][:)]

Here’s a head-on view I just illustrated; I cut the skin to match up to the Pod before wrapping it around the ribs, but recommend wrapping it first, THEN cutting it, with the bottom cut just against the inboard rib.

If you have a halfway decent spares box, some sharp exacto blades, and a pack of perferated and thin smooth sheet styrene, you’re already well on your way! Look forward to your progress! [;)][:)]

Take care,


Here is what I have so far to give this build a shot. I plan on using the launcher from the Uh-1C kit. I was thinking you probably have a better idea of the exact scale of those wings in 35th scale. Could you give me an idea of the proper dimensions of the ribs so I can get is somewhat close. Secondly do you have any good interior shots? I hope to get started in a few weeks.


As no documentation still exist with the exact demensions of the stub wings, you pretty much have to look at pictures and scale them according to how the wings relate to other nearby components…

Also, here’s a couple pictures and illustrations showing the 40mm ammo box and ammo belt position:

Here’s the 20mm ammo boxes, racks, and ammo chute feed platform:

If you need the position & details of the ammo box racks, let me know. [:)]

Take care,
