Group sculpt progress?

I can’t find the group sculpt thread so I’ll start a new one.

Here’s my progress so far. I’ve settled on a British infantryman c1808, Spain in winter, and have rendered him in 1/6th scale. I’m working on the hands right now. I had to make the musket before I could start on the hands though and that took all last weekend. Started on the hands monday night. I did the face months ago and back burnered it for just such an occassion.
The figure is sculpted from Magic Sculpt epoxy putty over an armature made from a modeling putty core, covered with a 1/8" (approx) Magic Sculpt skin and coat hanger wire for the spine, neck and apendages. Once I have the hands conquered, I can move on to cleaning up the other basics of the pose and finish dressing it.

There’s lots. I hope they all post.

You can find it through the new Group Build Forum. Not much progress on my side yet, but Jack is doing amazing things!

Very nice face-lots of emotion-cool!

Here’s what I’ve got :
“Man” is turning into “Man and friend”

Excellent work! What’s the time frame for this deal anyway?

It is also present in the techniques forum.