When typing in this box, I keep getting a beeping noise, also I get “searching for links that begin with…” in the bottom line of my browser, I hope that someone can help me sort this out I think it’s my pc not your website but it only happens on your forum.
It’s been about 7 months since I used IE (Some think that’s Internet Explorer, it really stands for "I’m Evil!) but it is Microslop Bloatware, full of security holes, and generally dangerous to the public wellfare.
Vin is right, Firefox is, right now, the best browser on the Wintel side, and probably will be on the new Mactel boxes. Unfortunately, while it is very secure and has a small footprint, and is easy to write web pages for, it is a relatively clunky and awkward browser to use—an odd mix of great features [^] and awkward use.[8][V]
But for your side of the eisle, it really is the only game in town.