I built this old 1/48 Airfix Seafire L.III a couple of months back and offered it to a local aviation museum fro their display. I had’nt heard anything so I figured no one would want it, but today I got an email from the museum saying they would love to display it! I can’t wait to go to the museum and say “I built that…!”
Well, Tango, who wouldn’t want that model? It’s beautifully done. Make sure your anme is somewhere on the display so when yours friends from this forum see it, we can say, “I know that guy!”
Thanks fella’s, I built the model for the HMS Ringtail society. HMS Ringtail was a RN air station on the edge of my village back in WWII. It was used mainly as a stop-over base for squadrons on route to their next deployment. The Seafire I built stopped over during 1944. When I moved to the village, I found a monument to the crews who served there and decided to find out some more. It turns out that they have their own hisotical society and a display at the Museum at RAF Mallom. They ask for contributions for the display on their website, so I offered them this model, and I’m very proud that they have accepted it. Darren.
Thats awesome Tango! I know the feeling, about 8 years ago I built two scale wagons out of balsa wood and styrene that went to a pioneer museum in St. Albert Alberta (Musee Heritage Museum). It felt cool seeing my stuff there. I now Live 3 hours away and don’t get up there much and haven’t been back since I built them. Maybe one day i’ll have to go back and see what they’ve done with them…
Thanks fella’s, when I visit the museum in the summer, it will be great to see something I’ve made as part of the display. Thanks again for all your kind words, Darren.
Congratulations! I was lucky to have a couple of my models displayed in the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, Tx. for a few years. They had an F-100D on a pole out front painted in Vietnam Camo and picked mine out of the Contest in Houston to display in the Museum for a few years. Then they had my T-6 Texan for a few more years. It was neat to have some one say they saw my work in the Museum over the years.