Hi…recently i bought my first armour model kit, a Tamiya’s Challenger. It was a very detailed kit, and i like it very much.
I want to buy another kit, but i want to try another brand; since tamiya is the most expensive of all. Any suggestion ?
(I dont want to get ripped off again; i bought a Revell (or was it Mono-something) helicopter AH64 kit some time ago; but the plastic was jsut awfully thin and sometimes the joints wouldnt “click” and left a lot of gaps)
Thank you !!
Revell can be very disappointing indeed! Stay away from most of their early stuff, but by all means go for their laterst releases, enginered in the Far East, with tons of details and excellent fit. Their ranges of airliners and modern AFVs in small and large scale are very impressive. The latter come with plastic tracks, in long and small sections that are way easier to deal with than individual track links and way better than vinyl tracks.
But then even Tamiya have had their bad kits… Early stuff, that was real good for the 70s, is now very basic and sometimes not right at all…
Other manufacturers I can recommend are: Fujimi for aircraft and cars (their early models are sometimes disappointing too), Hasegawa for aircraft, cars and small scale AFV, Pro-Modeler (aircraft), Trumpeter (anything), Italeri (anything, good value for money), DML (AFVs, aircraft),…
But ‘older’ manufacturers are sometimes good too, and you can find some very decent stuff in the Heller (complicated kits though), Airfix, Monogram, Matchbox and even Frog ranges… The key is to look inside the box before you buy, or at least do a bit of homework and look out for reviews (net, FSM,…). You’ll find that many manufacturers have ‘deals’ with others and/or incorporated their whole catalogues… For instance, Matchbox (quite basic but lots of original subjects) kits are now marketed under the Revell brand, while Zvezda (many fit problems) sells under the Italeri brand name…
djmodels1999 summed it up pretty good. I think the message is that each manufacturer has their good and bad kits. The best thing to do is to find a kit you think you’ll like, then either get a look in the box, or start asking around on various forums what others think of the kit. You’ll usually get a pretty straight answer and maybe even some recommendations on another kit that coverst the same subject.
Good luck!
Hi, I go with Revell. Great detail and cheaper too.
P.S. I dont know if I spelled the company name right.
hello,i really like the academy kits for armour they are well detailed and alot of the armour kits have full interiors also if you are looking for good deals on models go to ebay and bid on some i have bought lots of kits on there for a quarter of the price.like i just bought a acedemy tiger early with interior for 20 dollars and it is a 55 dollar kit in a hobby store.good luck
hey…the ebay idead is good… I’ll try that; on Australian bidding site
Thanks for the replies !
It would probably be a good idea to do some preliminary research
on a particular model or a subject (say T-34/85) you want to
purchase and build. Usually, I would not buy a model unless I
can find one or two favorable reviews on it. Of course, this
does not apply to really cheap sales.
Generally, recently made (but not reissued!) models of all major
manufacturers are excellent in quality but pretty expensive. With
older and cheaper models research becomes essential: many of
these models are worthless junk, while some are great even up
to the modern standards or can be turned into very decent models
by adding some photoetch, nice tracks, etc.
You can usually roughly estimate how new a model is by looking
at it’s catalog number: the higher the number the better. If you can
examine the box (which, of course, only applies to offline shopping),
you will usually see the year (next to the copyright sign) on it.
Hope this helps,
Lots of good tips have been given already. Here are some winners in terms of ease of construction and accuracy (in my opinion):
Skybow Dodge trucks (command car, 1.5 ton, 3/4 ton beep)
Tamiya Cromwell, Pershing, Marder III (both versions), Panther G’s, StuG IIIG, Wespe, M4A3 105mm, newer Tigers & Tiger II’s, newer Pz III’s and Pz IV’s, etc.
DML Panther A, Panther D, SdKfz 251 series, Ferdinand/Elefant
Academy M-12, M-10
Maquette Pz 38 (t) series
AFV Club Long Tom, 8" howitzer, Sdkfz 11 half track
I would rate all of these as “excellent”. Of course, there are other very buildable and enjoyable kits out there. Again, read a few reviews first.
Try reviews at these sites:
www.missing-lynx.com (the top AFV modelling site in my opinion)