Glue to Photo Etch

Does anyone know where I can get a good glue for PE parts in Canada. Have seen some sites online for Zap and Gator but they are asking 33 dollars just for shipping

Check your local craft store (in the States: AC Moore, Michaels, Hobby Lobby). Look for Aleene’s Tacky Glue. It is a white PVA glue. Grabs quickly, yet allows time to reposition. Dries clear. Can be thinned with water. Don’t buy the jumbo sized bottle-get the 3 pack card of 2 oz bottles The big bottle will thicken to almost unusable before you can use it all

Pledge, or whatever it is called in Canada, is good for glueing flat appliqué parts (instrument panels, cockpit sides,etc).

I second Ed’s recommendation for Aleene’s if you can find it locally up there. I use Gator’s Grip, but you mentioned it is expensive to ship to Canada.

I finally broke down and got a thing of Aleene’s last year after reading about it here for 5 yrs. Great for modeling, and even for other stuff around the house.

For PE, white-glue is my go-to. Next is CA gel. Regular CA as an absolute last resort.

Good luck finding what you need.

I use Elmer’s white glue, thinned 50%. For things like long ship railings, I will tack it in place with a few dots of gel CA to hold it while I apply the white glue.

You want this stuff:

This is my one and only go-to PE glue. Far stronger than any PE glue on the market.

Thanks black sheep, have used some of their other products . Which were good

But is this responsive to the OP’s concern? I know that Michigan and Canada are close neighbors, but what is the international customs & shipping costs which otherwise affects his purchase of products from the States?

The recommendation of items such as Aleene’s or Elmer’s are items which will more than likely be available locally versus hobby-specific items such as Gator’s or Michigan Toy Soldier glues

same could be said for your comment… [;)]

LOL @ TE’s comment…

What the difference, Ed? If you order from a hobby company overseas - be it the UK or Japan, you still get charged for international charges.

Just curious what the prep is for using Elmers glue. I put a few dabs on a sprue the other day and it just fell off after it dried.

Glenn ;

Did you paint the sprue first? Paint allows it to " Bite " and hold on to the surface. T.B.