Hey all i have brought a tamyia 1/16 scale tank and as you guest it a r/c, it is a tiger mark 1. im looking for paint schemes does anyone know a good site for schemes?. I have seen on paint scheme i like and it is off one that has three colours wich are grey black brown but the pitcure is to tiny to work off. thanks all for your help
Greedy, just do a Google Image Search under Tiger I and you’ll find all sorts of scheme possibilities. They cover a wide range of possibility depending on your tastes and desired complexity. [;)]
i have found the paint scheme im looking for and i did look at google but i have seen so many more paint schemes in books that are not listed on the net. i have decided to go the colours of tarret 211 from the 501 panzer div afeilung wich was under 2nd commandment to micheal wittman (from what i can make out with the german site i used to look it up). im still trying to find out who the commander was??? anyone one know?.