Rcently I have not been particularly active model-wise (actually pretty much zero), so an online contest inspired me to get off of my fat, lazy heinie. The theme of the contest is old mecha kits from 1996 and before, and a deep dive into the stash easily produced some viable candidates.
Hailing from 1987, the YAMA-08 Gelf from the Japanese TV show “Metal Armor Dragonar” was selected, mainly because it already had polycaps for the joints. The contest deadline is only 2 months away and for me this is an extremely short fuse, so no time for diddling around trying to re-engineer the joints for polycaps. A friend and I once did a full polycap retrofit in one night, but as they say in the movie cliches “That was a long time ago Colonel…”
So here is the kit box and contents.
For those familiar with modern Gunpla kits, this one is a far cry from what we take for granted these days. But back in 1987 we had to take whatever we could get and be happy about it! So while the kit is fitted with polycaps for the joints, proportions are kinda dumpy, detail is shallow, there are no clear parts, color separation is mostly via those sucky stickers that Bandai continues to use to this day, and articulation is limited. But as Phoenix G amply demonstrated with his Imai Destroid Spartan of similar vintage, these older kits can be made to look nice with some strategically placed TLC.
The Gelf is a 3-in-1 kit, which allows the builder to make either a close combat, heavy weapons, or electronic warfare variant. This kit was probably the best value among the Dragonar series.
Since I like heavily armed anime mecha, the choice was simple.
I had built the Falguen, the “boss” of the Gelf team many years ago when the kits were still fresh, and it was my first attempt at a major retrofit/modification to a mecha kit.
I scratchbuilt the wings (called a “lifter unit” in-universe), did a bit of detailing, and reworked the head and hips. While I liked what I ended up with, there were a number of shortfalls that I hope to overcome with the current build.
The last couple of weeks have been maddeningly busy with all manner of things, from a shower renovation to funerals to my sisters’ car going kaput. I am really feeling like building something now!