Future talk!

Hi there,

Everybody at this place seems to be talking about Future when building their models… I know its something they put on before putting on decals and even after putting them on… However do enlighten me on the following cos I have searched high and low for this thing but never seem to find it in my country (Singapore).

1: Is future same as Tamiyas or Gunze’s Clear?
2: Does any other brand name manufacture a similar product?
3: What is it about this substance that makes it so important?

Being a beginner I too wish to make models that look better than my previous ones… so kindly help me…

Thanking you in advance…


Future is an acrylic floor wax made by the US company SC Johnson.
It is called Kleer in Europe, I do not know if it is available in Asia.
The best thing about Future is the water base. It can be thinned for airbrush spraying or tinted with Tamiya clear colors and parts dipped into it. It covers up small scratches and really makes the part shine.
I tinted some Future with yellow food coloring and my Blue Angels canopy came out with just enough tint to make it look good.
