Future Flor polish

Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone knows if Future Floor polish is available in Australia, and if so, where can i get some. I’ve looked everywhere with no luck. There is one product which is called Pledge, but this has a yellowish tinge to it. I did use it but it does’nt really work as good as clear varnish. I did’nt thin it down because it was quite thin already, but I still got drops on my model when airbrushing. Is there anyone willing to Ship to Australia?

Cheers [#wstupid]

I’m told it’s called Johnson’s Klear Down Under. Try that name. S C Johnson makes it.

it’s probably called ‘Kleer’

That’s the spelling in the UK, but there is a rumour that it is to be discontinued

You mean there’s not enough modellers to keep that outfit alive? Oh no! What will I do now!