Found an interesting site for cockpit details.

Got this from an e-mail

Now I don’t have a reason to not detail my pits!!

you either have to braid or shave your pits [(-D][(-D]

that is a great site thanks

I braid and used green ribbons this week. Next week will be red ribbons. Glad this site was of help.

You guys are gross. [:o)]

I have that site in my favorites, but you just reminded me of it. Thanks Kevin!

Added to favorites.

Green ribbons are appropriate for St. Patrick’s Day.[(-D]

Great site…wish they’d have used a little more light.


As long as they aint “Purple” ribbons. If they were, we’d begin ta worry about you!![;)] Thanks for the links

Nah, my wife braids her pit hairs with those colors, and occasionally her leg hairs too.

I agree about the lighting, but they do cover some interesting subjects though. Some of those I didn’t even know existed anymore.

I ain’t gross, I took a shower this month.

You’re welcome. Glad I could share this with everyone.

[(-D] I kin smell [;)][(-D]

Nice site. Thanks for posting it. Leon