Ford C-series Firetruck walk around for nfpa1002 ( Lots of pics!!)

Finally got around to getting it for you. I am not sure of the exact year model of this one but some of the things that make it a bit different are that it is 4 wheel drive and used to be an airport crash truck so it has a pretty good foam system built in it. Hope these pics can help you out on your build. I took a few different angles of the cab extension for the jump seat since you said you would be doing that.

Bunch of pics, but takes a fwe to do a walk around on a fire truck. [:D] Hope they come in handy.

Hi Chris,

WOW!!! really Not having a familiarity with this era Fire Apparatus… It’s more than i thought you? might have for me. Really Man thank you !! It has given me more and different areas to approach my project. I was at “Best Buy” and they had some DVDs for $5 so i found this one Called " 3 Grate Fire Movies" :


The Fire house has (Richard Roundtree) and gave me live action . On E bay thier is one apparatus for sale /sold ? E bay item 4511902799 ends dec. 19 2004. but was one of the first one’s i found.

your walk around ,shows that the cab uesd has a extention on it ?

Was the cab itself std. or extened? and were they ?
I’ll e mail you pis i have now. To give you an idea of what i got . I was going to talk to a friend and try to Vacumform a Std. Cab extention to make this model easyer to convert.
My Ieda was to open the whole cab from enginer/Capt. to rear bench seats. Was this unusual?

Hay Chris, thank you very much . your choice of angles and distance shots are very very helpful… If i was thier. I would have made the same choices …

Sciencerly, nfpa1002

Honestly , I wish my Accadmy had this era apparatus. Not just to study but Learn from .

Glad you enjoyed them.

I am not completely sure if the cab was made like that or if it is an aftermarket extension. Looking at the top there is a metal strip where the joint would be if it were AM, butlooking at the sides there is no real seam unless they puttied it over. I know we can not ride in the seat anymore due to the lack of seat belts, that and there is one heck of a gap behind the seat that would eat gear right up.
It is a good truck to learn from, not so idea for a first due engine though. Top speed is somewhere below golf cart like. The station it is at fortunatly does not gt many calls and I can’t even remember the last time it ran anything.
I’ve not heard of any of those movies before, might have to keep an eye out though.

Great pics, very clear. I can’t get the pump panel picture link to work though.
Why is it 4WD, isn’t that an expensive conversion?

Most crash trucks are all wheel drive since aircraft don’t always crash on the runway. It looks similar to older airforce P-12 dual purpose crash / structure pumpers. About 1/2 way down the page.

As far as I know the extensions were after market built by the apparatus manufacturer.

Great looking truck, good luck on your project.

I’m working on this kit myself but I’m not doing the jump seats.

Hay Aaronw,

Man you work fast! simple too. I am sorry to say i am not that fast and wanted to get some pics going . short bed, huh? nice anything you going to share ?
ok, you’re going after the P-12 right [bow] simple. sorry to say this, but the
standard cab too simple.

Chris, the movies are on one DVD Title 3 grate fire movies
by AMERICAN HOME TREASURES Distributed by NAVARRE CORP. i just went to look it up you’ll have to look for the “bfsent”

don’t know what generation you grew up in . My HS days were around the 80’s so some new and old items on the market for movies.
I will let you know what direction i am going . on my C-600 project.

Oh. just to let those who are out thier . I take time to finish a project . and i also jump from project to project i have ? 15-20 different projects going on at the same time . So. as far as the Ford. getting the Cab correct will be the main portion of this one . I will use all the links you all have shared lately .
Thank you ALL I really apreciate this site and all who work to bring it on line thanks .

hct728- photobucket does that every now and then where they wont supersize fromt he forum. to get a bigger view just click this link here.

I don’t really think it would be that expensive of a conversion. There are alot of trucks that have locking front ends such as dump trucks and concrete trucks. Is a bit rare to see though on a fire engine.

nfpa1002- Thanks for the info on the movies. I will have to try and look those up.

Hi sorry for the miss spell or your name lizardqing ,

I just made some pic of the cab , both extention and smaller cab. they will show an interior with the bench and seats. then the extention swung out to show the inside .
after looking at your pics and then …
when i was at a rail road model store i found the really thier are 50 different Ford cabs used for fire engines … it was like when your friend buy / or drives a bug…
then you see bugs everywhere!!!.

But , my Cab i think i can squeze the interior and just make a flair extention so i do not need to Vacuform the extention. i hope to make an extention in the future …
the pics will come soon .

thanks for the walk around .

No problem, anything to get more fire models out there. And who does not like showing of thier fire trucks anyway.

Actually I am building an old Oakland FD engine not the P-12, I was thinking the engine Lizardquig has pics of looks like one of the later P-12’s with the jump seats and 4x4. As for the chassis on mine I started to measure the body and realized the frame is much to short, so last night I cut the short frame for the tractor version and used it to lengthen the frame a couple of inches which worked out pretty well, after a coat of paint it really doesn’t show too much.

If you need a place to host photos I found to be pretty painless and it is a free site.