A little something I’ve been working on. This is a kitbash of the Fledermaus by Nitto.



Very nice! I like the plumbing on the engine.

Thanks Spots!


I don’t know if it’s art… But I LIKE It!

Yeah, what a beautiful job! Like Spots the pumping on the engines really looks fantastic.

Very cool with a lot of nice detail work. Could be a trophy winner [;)]

I’m not familiar with this kit enough to know what was kit-mashed and what was kit. Is there a progress thread on here I can check out?

BTW, The model detail build and paint looks great

Well the build thread is on a different website, but I think I can give you a feel for the work done. Then you can decide if it is bashed.

The base kit.

The cockpit work.

Cut the canopy.

Gas Struts for the canopy.

New twin engine.

Up graded rear landing struts.

New guns.

Up graded lift engines.

New rear defense gun.

And more details too numerous to mention. I hope this helps


Yeah Terry I have to agree with the previous poster . Absolutely no kit bashing here whats so ever. Just a kit that has been brought to a whole new level via custom fab and super detailing. Absolutely amazing work [Y][Y]

Awesome build, I know the original kits are all kitbashed creations, but you’ve taken it to a whole 'nother level.

Thanks Guys

The work goes on…


Wow, Thanks for the reply and requested WIP pics.

[Y] Outstanding model building . . . and it’s still continuing

Thanks Sprue and you’re welcome.


And there is a platform and stairs.


Terry, you have done an amazing bit of creative work on this project. Well Done

Oh I did want to point out you may want to check the Comitor Reversal Dynamic Hypertortional (CRDH) control setting, it seems a bit too high for this version of “Mouse”

I’ve looked at this kit a few times and been tempted and have a couple of the other kits in that vein. You’ve done a great job there, well done


Very cool, Mr. T! I have the same kit (SF3D boxing) in the stash, and your build is most inspiring. Your scratchbuilt additions nicely complement the kit’s details. Your cockpit in particular goes a long way to busying up the otherwise bare area. Well done!

Thanks Phil

I’ll have Fritz look into that!

Thanks Steve!

All those kits have bashing potential.

Thanks G!