Recently I bought a few bottles of GUNZE Flat Clear. According to the instruction on the bottle, add water to thinned. So what I did was mixed 1:1 ratio. Instead of clear … my model turned frozen !!! I wonder if anybody knows how to use this stuff.
I believe that you may using their flat base (intended to be mixed w/ gloss paint), or you may have applied too much. I haven’t used the Gunze, but frosting occurs with the application of too much Testors Dullcoat (done THAT before !) It was long ago, and I didn’t try to save the model. Maybe someone else knows if anything can be done to help you.
Thanks for the reply. The paint is actually Mr.Color and it is not intended to be mixed with gloss paint as the like of Tamiya’s Flat Base. The frosting is not as heavy as the tamiya product. I wonder if by thinning with water … say 1:4 ratio , would work. I haven’t try it since i am working offshore at the moment.
Hi, walamma.
I use the Gunze “Hobby Color” acrylic clear flat all the time, thinned with water and sprayed with a Tamiya HG Trigger AB, with excellent results.
You say the clear flat you used was “Mr. Color,” right? That’s Gunze’s lacquer line. “Hobby Color” is their water-based acrylic line. If you thinned "Mr. Color " with water, I reckon you would get some kinda funky finish! But you said it indicated using water for thinning, so, hmmmmm.
I’d check all my labels and make sure which one you have, and try it again!
The only frosting I’ve ever experienced with a clear flat coat was when I used Gunze’s Mr. Super Clear lacquer flat clear on top of an enamel finish that had been washed and weathered with acrylics. I was surprised, but I actually liked the effect. Made a tank look really dusty, and dead flat. So I didn’t bother trying to “fix” it at all. Now I use it on purpose to get that dusty look!
What had happened was the lacquer clear is not intened for use on top of anything but lacquer finishes. It says right on the can (which I read after the first application!), “Do not apply over water-based finishes or decals.” I don’t know what other adverse effects it could have, but luckily I’m not a heavy sprayer, or perhaps the whole finish would’ve melted off!
Anyway, check the labels, experiment with different ratios and application densities, and try it out on something expendible first!
Good luck!
I think you were right since I got confused with another set of Gunze Mr.Color which I bought especially for painting British aircraft WWII desert scheme.
So, if you use Gunze “Hobby Color” acrylic clear flat thinned with water, what is your usual ratio between paint and thinner ?
If you could help me out, I’ll start spraying the moment I get home from offshore !!!
I usually go with a 50-50 mix, or maybe a bit thinner.
I apply it with an airbrush in 4-5 very light coats. The deadest flat I’ve ever seen!
Good luck with it!
Mr J-Hulk,
When you said 4-5 light coats, do you go close or more or less like dusting over
the model from a distance of 6 to 8 inches away ?