FlaK 36 Finished!!!!

Hi all,

I may have missed something as this is a very complicated kit, but I am pronoucing it finished!

This is my second attempt at this kit, and I think I have done a much better job this time around. I have posted pics of my first and second attempt at this kit for comparison. While they are painted the same, there are differences. My first attempt has a shield and has the newer FlaK 36 barrel, while my second attempt has no shield and features the old FlaK 18 barrel. Comments and criticisms always welcome! Enjoy!

My first attempt:

And my second attempt:

This is a trick photo, can you tell?

Edit: I was thinking about sending this one in to FSM’s reader gallery, what do you guys think?

Great job!

I thought I’d have more replies by now, hmmm, well I’m not lying, they are two different models…

Looks pretty good Tigertankman at least yours is done i havent evan started on mine yet tryin to get this KC-97 boom tanker finished and being sick dosnt help much.

Much nicer job on the second go around Alex! I say send it to the reader gallery, it would be neat to see some forum members stuff in the mag.

I’ve got a question. Why dopesnt the second one have a Bullet Shielde?

Both Excellent in my View mate , but have to agree the second go around is much nicer , looks a lot more purposeful a weapon too ,

looks Great would be very fitting in the gallery ,Very nicley done K

As with the others, I think the second one is better. If it were me, I would re-shoot the photos with better light. Good Job either way!

Hi all,

Thanks for the kind words, I’m definatle gonna send it in, one question, how do I send it? LOL(I’ve never tried it b4)

EDIT: ygmodeler4, the second one doesnt have shield because it is meant for anti-aircraft purposes, but the main reason is that I wanted it to be as much the opposite of my first try at this kit as possible.

Terry here,

nice job, it’s true practice makes perfect. Do send to the FSM gallery, congrats.



honestly, i like the first attempt more. its got nice weathering, and just looks good to me. of course they’re only pictures, so i could be seeing things, but I like the first one.

Thats perfectly fine, your entitled to your own opinion! I just say the second is better because the first is loaded with mistakes!

I think both look pretty good. One some reason , the second one looks better IMHO. I can’t tell you why though. Just something different.

A great rework. Submit it, definitely need to get some forum member stuff up there.