First Armor Build- Would like to build LAV III Stryker Unit

For my first Armor build I’d like to do a Styker Unit. It will be a christmas gift for my brother who just got back from “Over There”. I’ve found the LAV-25, but the one he wants has no turret on top. So I’ve realized I will more than likely be making scratch parts. and if i go with the Marine version I’ll have to build without the 125 or 105 guns… These are pics of what he would like. What kit do you gurus of the Armor world suggest? Many thanks, Brian

The USMC LAV-25 and the Stryker are not the same vehicle. The Stryker is bigger in all respects. It is longer, wider, and taller. The Stryker is two generations past the LAV-25. There is currently no Stryker model out there. If you can wait a while though,Trumpeter is supposed to be releasing a Stryker model soon. There is also rumor that another major manufacturer will be releasing one as well.

LAV-25 and Canadian LAV Gen III comparison (US Army Stryker does not have the turret though).

By the way, a LAV-25 only has a 25mm cannon, not a 125mm or 105mm.

If I recall correctly, Trumpeter is scheduled to release the new Stryker Combat Vehicle in the next few weeks or so, complete with the “slat armor” used in Iraq. The Military Channel did an excellent “Anatomy of a Stryker” a couple of weeks back with the folks at Fort Lewis, Washington.

There is a variant of the Stryker that does have a 105mm turret mounted up top. The M1128 MGS mounts a British 105mm M68A1E4 which used to be on the M1. There are only 8 prototypes right now, and they aren’t working out too well. WAY too top heavy.

Yes, I know about the Stryker MGS and its other variants. He was talking about the USMC LAV-25 though (reread the initial post), which only has a 25mm cannon. The Stryker MGS is still in the development stages due to the instability you mentioned as well.

thanks for the info, my brother may have been mistaken when he named the gun calibers. So the strykers or def larger that the LAV-25? I did go to Trumeter’s website. I did not find anyinfo , but did email them. Here is their reply: “Dear sir Please be patient, the Stryker will be available soon.” Thanks for the input guys! -Brian

There’s a little bit out outdated info above on the MGS. It entered series production a month or two ago, the next Stryker rotation to Iraq will include its full complement of 105mm vehicles.


Interesting news. Last I heard they were going to crew them with tankers (19 series MOS). The tankers weren’t too happy about that. They don’t really consider it a tank, which it isn’t. We’ll have to see how it works out.


I Just got my Trumpeter Stryker in the Mail…No Slat Armor…Sorry to disappoint you. Also no Interior.


im sure you can order hte PE guns that you need

Yes, the Trumpeter M1126 Stryker is out and more versions are coming. Here is the Trumpeter M1126 review at Perth.

AFV Club has announced the M1126 and an M1128 MGS (scroll down near the bottom of the page) as coming out later this year as well.

Dragon is supposed to be coming out with a family of Stryker versions as well.

Gino, do you know if ESV and the ATGM will be part of that family?

Sorry, no idea. I’m just relaying what I have read at PMMS. They would both be nice additions though. Keep your fingers crossed.

alright thanks. I guess I will end up scratchbuilding the ESV. As that is my favorite variant.