Anybody hear anything recently on the Firefly kit front?
According to my distributors there are no plans for a “Firefly” kit either from the movie or TV show.
I have a couple of Firefly fans in my shop and they hope the same too. There are some figures available from the movie and a die-cast mini comming out in about a month of the Serenity.
Expensive, but its something…
Thomas Models is planning one about twice the size of Starship Modeler’s kit. But it’ll probably be a couple of years in the making.
If anyone from the big kit manufacturers happens to be listening, they should be aware that there are still a lot of fans of the show out here who are interested in modelling the ship.
We can, of course, always dream.
There has recently been an RPG source book released for the Firefly/Serenity universe. I haven’t dug into it yet, but I’d be willing to bet good money that if there isn’t a ship diagram in there, that one is or soon will be available.
Gaming is a good source of stuff like this for those subjects that haven’t been properly researched and modeled. The only problem there is FINDING who has it and is willing to let it get loose!
See ya!
Found these online.
another neat view here
and here
Nice find! I’m borderline obsessed with the series and the movie. lol
I heard really bad things about Thomas Models. Did you guys also hear anything about people’s past issues with him? I’m not sure which kits they were, but I heard people had to pull teeth to get their money back after some fiasco. Clearly, I don’t have any of the details and I’m hearing this all second hand… please confirm or deny what any of you know.
I have met him personally several times. I remember at one model show some guy was looking for him to confront him about some stuff he had ordered and had not recieved and he just acted like he thought the whole situation was hilarious and didn’t take the fact he was ripping this guy off seriously at all. I have never ordered anything from him and would not from all I have heard first hand from those who know him well or have delt with him. He does good work, but the only way I would buy his stuff is if I could get it through someone else or direct from him in person where you have the product in hand before you hand over the money.
try comet miniatures in the uk they have been advertising a kit of firefly for a while now and are a very well known and reputable company, or try monsters in motion.
Hope this was helpful,
Terry Burke.
go here guys not totaly accurate but ya can transfer the patterns to styrene thats what im dooin now its the bigest model of the ship i know of to date
thank you for those links
those are some interesting images
Have a link to their website? [:D]
(Can’t Stop the Signal!)
I have the firefly computer mesh. I may prototype one and create a resin cast of it I’ll look into it and see what I can do. Its a 22.5 megabyte mesh.