Whenever I airbrush Future and allow it to dry for 24 hrs, it never seems uniform. There are areas that are shiny (looks wet) and other areas which appear less so. Do I need multiple coats? Appreciate your input.
Future is best applied in 2 or 3 light coats rather than 1 heavy coat.
Regards, Rick
Ya otherwise, no matter how great the leveling qualities of future, it may still dry uneven. Atleast thats what i heard.
my best results come from thinning future a tad, then spraying 2 or 3 “wet” coats. not mist coats, but not just globbing in on either. it takes a little practice to get the feel of how much you can spray on with out it running. i tell ya what i do before spraying future too, i take a coffee filter or scrap of T-shirt material, and buff the roughness off the subject’s flat paint finish. when you get a sheen over the entire model, you can spot those rough areas that may need sanding a little. when all is done and i got a smooth surface to work with, i wash the whole kit under warm soapy water, and let it dry over night. then, i apply the future as described above. later.
Thanks for all your great input.