First I want to wish all my fellow airplane builders out their a Merry Christmas and happy new year. Now onto my post. It amazes me after all these years how great a kit the F6F Hellcat kit from Hasegawa is in 1/32nd scale. I just finished one and am planning to start another and will add it to my collection of the 4 cats I already have built. The only downside is the cockpit which I will replace with the verlinden set but otherwise after all these years this still is a top notch kit. The fit is perfect and the engine very impressive. I wish Tamiya would start doing more 1/32nd kits because their kits are excellent. I hear that Tamiya is planning on doing a B-17 Flying Fortress which I hear will be a lot better then Revell-Monograms. I only hope so. But if any one is planning on building the Hellcat get the 1/32 scale from Hasegawa because its an excellent kit even after all these years!
Where did you read that Tamiya might do a B17 and in what scale?
I agree. I have one also, have purchased the Verlinden set as well. Have you seen the Techniks 1/32 PW R2800 for the Cat? GET IT! WOW! It is a incredible model by itself…