F3H demon

Anyone know if there is a 1/48th scale kit of this subject? I built a 1/72 version a few years back, but my collection is 48th and well…
1/32 and 1/35th depending on subject[:p][8]

The only kits I have seen in this scale is a resin kit by Collectaire, but as you may find out, the price tag is a bit steep.


Good luck

Man, I forgot that aircraft even existed. Not a bad looking aircraft. I always remember thinking it looked like a miniature F4. [:D]

Didn’t Dynavector or some other British vac form outfit make one of those in 1/48 a few years back? I swear I saw it advertized in FSM once.

Maintrack made a 1/48 vacform Demon. Don’t know much about it, but it’s probably ok - it will be a lot cheaper than collectaire, but much more work. Personally I’d buy a vacform kit before the resin kit every time, much more fun, if fun’s the word

I have never done a vac kit and collectaire is a bit out of my budget at this point. I’ll have to search that vac kit out.

thanks all