F-4J Phantom Completed

Actually completed this Hasegawa 1/48th scale F-4J Phantom more then a month ago but just got a new digitial camera so I thought I’d share these now. Added Eduard Photoetch and SuperScale Decal’s. Have a look.

That is a sweet looking Phantom… I can understand the time that goes into these guys!.. Good work with the new camera… What did you get?.. I am looking for a new cam myself!
Cheers Chris

Got a Cannon A520 Power Shot. Costs around $200. It looked like the best for the money. By the way Chris I’ll be in Fukuoka, Japan in two weeks as part a business trip. Been there several times before. Nice area. looking forward to some good Sushi.

Great looking Phantom!, Wwish I could do weathering like that, still trying to prefect it.

That is a great looking plane! Whats your secret for that wheathering, it looks great! [tup]

Excellent looking Phantom. Weathering is very realistic.


Fine looking Phantom there! Mighty fine in deed.[tup]

Looks awesome. The weathering is nicely done.

Thanks John… I have been looking at the A520 aswell… Even had it book marked… Looks like I might go with that one… Your pics have come out great…

As for Fukuoka… Let me know when you get in… I work in the city a few days a week… What is it that you will be here for. If you dont mind me asking… Not many people come to Fukuoka, Usually they head to Oasaka Tokyo… SO that sounds very interesting!


Fantastic looking Phantom! Did you have to use much fillers? I’m going to be doing two of Hasegawa’s F-4’s coming up after my Odyssey F-14 build, I’m doing an E and a G model.

Great work!


A lovely example of what can be done with this kit, excellent work! Darren.

One to be proud of… nicely done. Great pics too… Try a softly contrasting back drop, like a blue, and the model will really stand out.

Gotta love those Phantoms. Great job on it. Can you give us some detail shots of the cockpit?

Great-looking model!

How did you get the panel lines to stand out so subtly?


You can never go wrong using US Marine decals!!! [:D][:D] Great-looking build, John.

Thanks for the kind words.

Really no secret to the weathering. I use the old trick of highly diluted artist oils, a combination of black and burnt umber and let it wick into the recessed panel lines. I like the more subtle look so I don’t over do it. Just enough to get the panel lines to standout. I actually use the same diluted paint for the leading edges and any other recesses that need some dirt, including wheel well’s and the cockpit.

Nice work on the “Corps” Phantom. It looks very good.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

A little bit of grunge makes the Phantom look perfect. Like what ya did with it!

Nice job! Looks like those Marines kept it showroom fresh. Carry on.

You don’t often see a model that looks that crisp. Very fine work indeed.
