F-15A differences versus F-15C

Hi, most of the reference books that I can find deal with the C model Eagle or the E Model, they just touch on the subject of the A model Eagle! Can anyone tell me if the differences are cosmetic? Engine upgrade? or maybe as simple as radar change and maybe different burner cans? Any help on the subject would help…Most of the kits you can find now are F-15C, But I want to model a F-15A of the 318th FIS, based out of McChord AFB Tacoma, Washington. I have the decals…all i need now is info, and pick the right kit …Thanks, Sven

I’m shootin from the hip here, but I believe the major difference would be conformal fuel tanks on the sides of the fuselage. There’s probably more, but I can’t think of it at the moment. I have a tape on the F-15 and I believe it is discussed in there. If it’s important I can run though it. Let me know.

If my memory serves me right, the major difference between the A and C is the engines. Their may be several avionics and other “black box” upgrades inside the airframe but they are invisable to the outside.

Monogram made the A and C kits out of the same tooling in 1/48th scale, I think they just added the differnt exhaust nozles for the C. It’s a great kit that can be found for less than $15. The only thing I would replace is the Aces II ejection seat. If you do some searching around, someone may have the old A afterburner cans.

Minicraft Academy made an excellent 1/72 scale F-15A. See if that’s still available.

The E is very different, it is a 2-seater and has the FAST packs under the wing.

The C/D models were equiped to carry the FAST packs, but were very seldom used. The only other change was the addition of leading edge fuel tanks in the wings. toadwbg is correct in “Black Box” upgrades.

Thanks for the Info everyone :)…Sven

Being a old (did I say that) F-15A Crew Chief, the only outward visible difference between the A and the C are some antenna locations, but that will depend upon the specific aircraft. A different location for the ground communication panel, the C was futher forward under the left intake and the C has a beefier main landing gear with a different wheel design then the A.

Toadwgb like the rest are right on. With the engines being diff,the A’s had turkey feathers while the C and later models didn’t. This was due to better ease of maintenance.
Flaps up, Mike