F-14B on ARC

Hey all, I’d like to share my latest build with you guys. It was recently published on Aircraft Resource Center. It’s Italeri’s 1/72nd scale F-14A, corrected to depict an accurate Tomcat “B” with VF-103 markings. Check it out, hope you like! http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/index2.htm

Beautiful work Greg. Nice job on the deatiling and conversion.

Beautiful job on the build all the way around.

very nice indeed!

What did you make the base from? It looks great.


Thanks Ray!

To create the base, I use a 2x4 and cut it to size and bevel the front edge to accomodate the placard. Once sanded smooth, I prime, airbrush or spray paint the base gloss black.

Next, I cut a brass rod to approx. 6 inches in length for the model. After a polishing with Brasso or an equevilent compound, it’s ready to be secured into the base.

For the info placard, I use my Word program to make an intersting label, print from my color laser printer and permenatly attach it with 3M Photo Mount. Here, I’ve created one for an F-111F “Vark.”

Now she’s flying proud! The completed model in-flight.

Outstanding looking Tomcat! Nice detail work and the paint job is spot on. Great job.


Thanks for the explanation Greg. Man, your work is outstanding - love the “vark” !


Nice work on the Tomcat and the Switchblade Edsel. Congrats on the ARC article.

Darwin, O.F. [alien]

And a very nice F-14 it is, especially seeing what you started with!

I love the base idea…I’ll have to use it on a future “wheels up” build.

[wow] All I can say is…I’m speechless! Outstanding work, Greg!

Thanks all,

I hope to publish more in the future, if my schedule will allow. I’m a full time Police Detective with plenty of “clients”, if you catch my meaning. I’m also trying to get my new product out there, as you may have seen mentioned in the article, “Modern Hobbies (C) HUD Green.” They are a selection of *Two-step, color-tinted clear acrylic to simulate tinted aircraft canopies, car windshields, modern armour optics, Sci-Fi and weathering.

A little about my product:

Currently, I’ve developed a selection of six colors for modelers. What sets them apart from similar offerings from Tamiya, Gunze and others is, that they are an acrylic/ laquer hybrid. Airbrush or brush on application, followed by a final swip of Future to bring out the near crystal clarity! They are airbrush ready, crystal clear, (after the two-step process), extremely durable for masking, and they don’t mar clear styrene! They are of low viscosity, and they clean up easy with regular Windex, should you make a mistake. They also have a shelf life of approx. 2 years. Keep the radar on! Sorry for the shamless plug, but I though you guys should see & hear about them here first. They are great! Thanks again for the kind words about my Tomcat! Wish me luck!