I tried many website on the F14 but I can’t find what I need. I’ve got a Tamiya 1/32 F 14 A and I want to convert it to a B or D version. But I don’t know if they have the same panel lines or not. It’ll be a HUGE pain to remove and rescribe a different set of panel line for such a big model.
The A and B models had the same panel lines. The D model had many different panel lines as well as other big differences. Most of this was covered in an early post you had on the F-14A.
It didn’t cover panel lines. But thanks a lot for the info just now. I thought the B had different engine than the A so I thought they may need to readjust the body to fit it. Your info just made me very happy. I’ll convert to a B version. DECIDED!
Have you tryed the M.A.T.S.???
Here’s the url: http://www.anft.net/f-14
Hope it helps…
Yeah I did. It’s awesome, thanks.
Ok, I don’t think any website talks about this. But is it possible to activate the aircraft’s navigation lights and anti collision lights while it’s on the carrier with the canopy open?
Also, how do pilot see the cockpit displays in the dark, is there a light behind the gauges that lights it up just like cars ?
Yes and yes. Any exterior light can be turned on while the aircraft is on the deck or ramp. The only lights not turned on in bright daylight or bright light is the formation lights sometimes called strip lights. Bright light will cause them to burn out.
All instruments in the cockpit are back lighted. The crew can adjust the brightness by a rheostat. Also in the cockpit is a map light that shines a small light beam. Other light include thunderstorm lights that will cast a dim light in the cockpit to prevent lightning from a thunderstorm from blinding the crew.
Those formation lights you are talking about…do you mean those position lights? The double rectangular yellow things found all over the aircraft?
I also need to know the canopy opening/closing mechanism on the F 14. Is it just a straight metal rod fixed to the canopy and it moves linearly up and down?
Position lights are red on the left wing and green on the right wing. The tail light is white. The lights can be set to flash or steady. Some aircraft have join up light on the trailing edge of the wing tip, the same color as the position lights. The anti collision light is a flashing red light. Some aircraft have flashing strobe lights which can be seen from a great distance. Formation lights are refered to as strip lights. They glow a florescent green and give pilots a reference of the other aircraft when flying formation at night. Other lights have been found to give the wingman vertigo with their alternate flashing at night.
The canopy is operated by an actuator which moves the canopy up or down. On the F-14 I dont know if it is electric, hydraulic or air operated or a combination of either. The canopy is hinged at the rear.
Thanks berny
Anyone know if there is 1/32 decal for the “Red Rippers” F-14B tomcat?
I want to make one for Operation Enduring Freedom, what are my options?