Do the leading edge flaps ever hang down on an F-14 when it’s on the ground with the wings swept back parked?
All the pic’s I’ve seen of F-14’s chained to the deck with swept wings everything is tucked up nice and clean!
I agree. I’m pretty sure they are used for take off. Not sure for what else.
Certainly, i’ve never seen any pics of them extended when they’re stowed.
Having said that, unless you’re trying to build an accurate dio, i’d just build it however you want. I built one with all flaps lowered, slats extended, air brakes deployed, canopy up etc - and i’m sure they’re never ever stowed like that, but i wanted to maximise the most of the kit.
Nope. Leading edge slats can’t be extended when the wings are swept aft.
Thanks very much, I appreciate the advice. It’s because I have the 1/32 trumpeter F-14D but what you said with getting the most out of the kit is more important so thanks.
When I built my 1/72 F-14 for my Dad I did not know how he wanted to display it. With the wings swept or not so I just left up the inboard seciton of the flaps so he could sweep them or not. I know it was not accurate but it worked for my purpose. See below for what I am talking about.
That’s a very good idea I had not thought of that.