Evangelion GB April 2006

[#welcome] To the Evangelion group build, with the showings on Cartoon Network I thought there might be some in interest in the kits.


Any thing from Evangelion goes Evangelions or figures which ever one you want

Do what ever you want to them custom paint whatever as long as it stays with Evangelion.

Can be used with other GB

Build as many as you want to

Aftermarket ok.

You may join at any time you wish.

Have fun

Start date might be April or March end date when ever the last person gets done since some kits might take awhile. We can plan that out later.

A Mejies is making a badge that we can vote on. Thanks,

edit I am also going to make one its going to be a pic of Rei. Should have it done next week and can be worn before the GB starts. edit here are two to pick from please host them your self to save my photobucket

And why the 2nd badge is so plain I made it like scenes they have at the start of the show like, ADAM, 2nd Impact and Anti Terror Field. on a plain white background.


FrogFoot, Eva-00 or Eva-01 or Bardiel the 13th Angel.

A Mejies, Perfect Grade Evangelion EVA-01 Test Type

Zen_Builder, EVA-01(Resin) or Ayanami Rei(resin)

Just post what you are building and I will add you to the list. Hope to see you building one soon!


Still undecided if I am going to do an EVA-01(Resin) or an Ayanami Rei(resin). Need to think a bit more and look at the schedule.

Ok, you are now on the list thanks for joining. As for the EVA-01 and Ayanami I would do both[:D]

It came! It came[:D]

Here are some pics box http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_0782.jpg Rei looks so nice on the box

Parts http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_0786.jpg I think 10 parts runners and about 150 parts.

Figures http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c353/Char-88/IMG_0784.jpg cant wait to paint Rei

The kit coms with a, Battle Axe, Shield, Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Heat Knife, Land mine thing, Hand Gun, And the best molded piece I have ever seen The Lance of Longinus. Also has power cables, three sets of hands. Great deal for 20 dollers!

Update I could not hold back and went ahead and built the Eva, my built now is going to be Eva-00 yellow or Eva-01 or Bardiel the 13th Angel. Also I hate to say it but if there are not more members by the end of the month I might give up the GB.