This is Special Hobby’s EMW A9 kit. Not sure which category this should be posted in… Aircraft, Space or Science Fiction. Since it has a pilot and flies and I normally post in the aircraft forum I’ll post it here. This is one of those Luft’ 46 paper projects that thankfully never got of the ground. According to the instructions it was intended to be delivered to the US, using a second stage booser (not included in the kit), by a pilot who was to be directed to the target by a surfaced U-boat. The pilot was supposed to be able to bale out but I’m guessing that wasn’t going to happen because of the speed at which it would be travelling and I doubt the German’s would want their pilot to be captured and “questioned”.
Anyway, this is pretty much out of the box. It is a typical short run kit that required much filling and sanding. Especially the long fins that run the length of the rocket. The other two fins are attached to the rocket fuselage and were not quite at 90 degrees to the other two fins. I thought it would be a nice easy weekend build but nope. The launching pad was difficult to figure out how to it went together because the instructions are not much help. I figured out most of it by looking at the painting diagram. The paint scheme is of my own imagination and I supplemented the kit decals with a unit badge and number from the spares box. I figure that like the Japanese kamakaze pilot’s they would want to inspire/honor their pilots for their one way trip. Well… maybe not, but at least it would make for a good propaganda photo op.
This is the first time I’ve attempted a vac form canopy and now I know why some people recommend filling the canopy with silly putty or something like it. I was a bit rough on it and there are some marks on it. Oh well, lesson learned.
Very awesome build, there. I’d seen this kit advertised before, but I suspect that it will continue to remain one of those kits that you really never see built. Nice job.
The only “safe” way I see to bail out of that thing would be some type of clamshell ejection seat used (I think) on the XB-70, and possibly the B-58 as well.
What would it feel like to be the first person to break the sound barrier, then (for lack of a more tactful word) simply blowing up a few minutes later? Just thinking of it… (shiver).
John, Karl, Thad, Mucker and Mike: Thanks for the comments guys!
It would indeed have been quite a ride, just ask any Nasa astronaught that rode some of Von Braun’s other creatations. I saw a program on PBS about the capture of some of the German scientists at the end of the war including Von Braun and how he went on to lead the American space program. Very interesting.
I would never have bought and built one of these kits myself but it was given to me by a friend to build for him and now that I’ve built one I want to get one for myself. It is very cool and would be a nice addition to any collection of Luft’ 46 stuff.