Hello All,
Here again to share pics of a Special Hobbies 1/72 EMW-A9 manned V2 rocket.
This was not an easy kit to build because of the lack of locating pins for the side wings, I had to vacuform a new canopy and rear bulkhead. I also scratch built the launch pad using parts from the kit and a bit of styrene. The launch pad parts were brittle and shattered when clipped off the tree.
A little history on the A9:
Developed as part of Nazi Germany’s “Projekt Amerika,” the A-9 was an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to strike major cities along America’s Eastern Seaboard. Another outgrowth of Germany’s A-4 (V-2) rocket program, the weapon was actually envisioned as a two-stage weapons system with a V-2-like booster and a piloted upper stage/warhead, shown here. As planned, the pilot would be guided along his course by strategically positioned U-boats, and then bail out once his craft was near his target. If he survived, he would likely become a POW…until Germany’s expected triumph. The first prototype of this concept was the winged A-4B, although subsequent wind-tunnel tests revealed that this more streamlined “strake” design would create far less drag and thus increase the missile’s range. The A-9 was a project vehicle only; no A-9s were actually built.

Work in progress

Work in progress

With scratch built launch pad

With scratch built launch pad side shot

Taken at our local meeting other bits in the pictures are mine also. [:)]
Thanks for looking
Thom [:D]
Another cool build Thom, a little crazy (okay… totally crazy) but very cool! [tup]
Beautiful uncoventional build, Thom, thanks! [:)]
Take care,
Very cool… very different… I remember watching a show about this on History Channel. I believe the inventor with the task of creating this craft was the mind behind our own Saturn V. His name escapes me… I’m sorry… it’s late.
I believe the name you’re looking for is Wernher Von Braun.
What an interesting subject! It’s different to see a rocket in camo, so old, yet somehow so new. It’s great. Kind of an outgrowth of the “Reichenberg” manned V-1s. Keep up the great work!
wow, never heard of that one. Great job on the build, looks great!
BINGO… thanks Mike! That’s the guy… how I could I forget.
Nice build Thom. Not one you see every day.
Regards, Rick
Some crazies believe that a lot of the high ranking Germans of WWII escaped earth, for the moon in vehicles like these, and at are this moment creating a race of technologically superior, smarter, beings in the permanently shadowed craters of the north pole of the Moon…
A few months ago, the space agencies de-orbited a sattelite so that it would impact inside one of those Pole craters, saying they wanted to see what sorts of particles the impact kicked up. Suuurrreee.
Just goofin folks. Although crazies do believe that, and that sattelite was deorbited.
Ben, you mean it was just a rumor. j/k [(-D] [(-D]
Thank you everyone for the nice comments.
Mike I also have the EWM-A-4b from Special Hobbies to build as well in the future and that one has a three color camo scheme to it. One day it will get done and I’ll post pics…
That things Great! I had no Idea they were even thinking about it. Nice job. Thanks for sharing.
Added two more pics to the first post. [:)]