Egyptian T54/55's

Would the Egyptians have left their T54’s & 55’s in Russian Green when they used them, or repainted into their own camo scheme? I want to add an IDF Tiran 4 & 5 to my collection, & was considering doing the 4 in a distressed state with the original camo showing through the Israeli colour. Is that entirely plausibe?

I’ve seen photo’s of Egyptina T-54/55’s in an overall sand as well as a two tone sand and brown or green schemes. The photos were black and white but the sand/brown is most likely of the color scheme in the Sinai where the photos were taken. A distressed scheme with the base colors showing through is very plausible. I recently saw BTR-70’s with their original overall green color coming out from under a newer camo job in a temperate European environment. So in the coditions prevelent in the middle east, it is very possible.

The Syrians left many of their T54/55 tanks in Soviet dark green during the 1973 war. Don’t know about the Egyptians.

egyptians were generally better (armed forces-wise) than the Syrians. Most if not all Egypitan T-55’s were repainte din a light beige sand color.

The Syrians leaving their tanks in the original green makes sense as much of the terrain in the Goaln was covered with vegetation. The also used some three color schemes of sand, green, and gray.