Early Armor

I have been looking for models of early armor, ww1. I found a lot at military hobbies out of canada but, unfortunately, after entering my address (Texas, USA) on my order I got a pop up telling me that they don’t deliver to my area. very disapointing. My question is, does anyone know of a site that sells models of WW1 armor and aircraft? thanks.

results may vary

Squadron has a few WW1 armour models.

Check out Greatmodels as well.


you can always find WW1 kits on ebay also

Try going to missing-lynx.com website and there, they have a few links to hobbshops, it seems like there was one or two that had WWI items but quite expensive.

Try all of those sites and you’ll fin one you like. I prefer Gretmodels, its a little bit cheaper.

When you buying look for 2 companies, RPM and Emhar. They both make WWI armor.

Emhar released the Hermaphrodite version of the Mk V Here is the review:

thanks for the help. i found just what i was looking for at squadron.com. i also did a little shopping on great models. i like finding and building the strange stuff as much as i like building stuff that is just historically important. I like real space stuff and its a little tuff to find other than at real space models. real space models are very proud of their products. they look like great models but just a little spendy. have a great new year everyone.

results may vary