okay, I’ve found an lhs that has both the DML e-100 and the maus for about $31. Any thoughts which I should get, or should I look at the dml firefly they also have ($31 also)? Or should I blow the whole thing off as they are obviously trying to cash in on the fact that none of these kits is in production??
They may be capitalizing a wee bit … but it’s such a nice kit I’d pay it in a heartbeat … which Firefly by the way, the Ic or the Vc. If it’s the Ic, I’d pay more for it.
well the E100 has just been rereleased ( limited i think) the Firefly has awful (EVIL) tracks[}:)]
so get the Little Mouse (not many bits in the box though)
if you get the Firefly i bet you finish the tracks before i do[:(]
That I’m not sure of. I was fixating too much on finding those MK tracks for the Tiger and I don’t remember. I just saw Firefly! Sorry. But I looked them up on Greatmodels.com, and I don’t remember the box looking like the Vc, so maybe it was the Ic. Why do you feel it’s worth more? btw, I heard a rumor (I think…you know how the mind is at over 50!! lol) that dml is going to rerelease at least one of them (but I think it was the Vc.
Thanks yet one more time, Robert. I’ll give them a call tomorrow and find out what it is. He brings models down to our club meeting on Thursday night. I’ll let you know what I find out.
Hi Bill, Rollmodels has the Firefly Vc for $21. I’ve heard that the tracks are nasty. Being smaller than the other two, it’ll leave you more shelfspace. [:)]
“It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow too fond of it.”-R.E.Lee
Now Eric, that really is something to consider. Can’t have too many Tigers!! (Just ask the Germans. If they’d had as many as there are models out there, we might be speaking Deutch right now!! LOL)
C’mon, Bill! Get the E-100! You know you want it! Let’s have an E-100 group build! (I know, I already finished mine, but that’s the only way I could keep up with you guys. I’m a very slow modeler!)
Bill, every fiber of my existence is screaming that you should get the E-100![:D]
But Brian, geeze, I could never do as good a job as you did. I mean, it’s hard to strive for the top when someone else has already reached perfection!!
Brian, you’re right. I do want an E, and a Maus, and a Firefly, and another Tiger (or 3 or 4), and a couple of Nashorns, and a Hummel, and a Marder III (with full am kits), and a Honey (can’t be all German!), and a bunch of M4’s, and…and…and! It never seems to stop. Everytime I read a review in a mag or from you guys, it makes me want M O R E ! ! ! ! It’s getting so overwhelming! [8]
I think I need to see a therapist! LOL [:D]
Well, look at it this way: a heck of a lot more people have built perfect Fireflies than perfect Es! Or perfect Mauses (Maice?), for that matter!
Try something a little different!
It wouldn’t be too bad if these things weren’t all oop, now. I can put off getting more Tigers, the Honey, Marder III, Nashorns, etc. Because I know they will be around for a while. But these three, who knows when I might get another chance!
Which was bigger (if they’d ever been built), the E-100 or the Maus??